It Takes A Strong Man To Fall In Love With A Strong Woman

Do you think you have what it takes to fall in love with a strong lady?

I am a strong and independent woman. And one thing that you have to know about people like me is that even though we are perfectly capable of taking care of ourselves, we are just as capable of letting ourselves fall for another person. As a strong woman, I know exactly what I want to get out of life and love. I know the things that I’m willing to tolerate and I also know my limits. I understand that even though I have high standards, I still have to be willing to compromise here and there if I really want to find love for myself. But at the end of the day, even though I want to find love in another person in this life, I’m still going to be looking out for my own well-being.

So this is a plea to you if you are interested in falling in love with me – don’t fall in love with me if you’re not going to be up for the challenge of being with me. I am going to be a struggle. I am not going to make it easy; because easy just isn’t how I approach life. I know that the best things in life are always worth the struggle. I’m not one who takes shortcuts. I know that love isn’t something that can be rushed or simplified. And I’m always going to make sure that when I fall in love, it’s going to be done the right way. I’m not going to force things. I’m not going to rush anything. And I’m not one who is looking to be rushed either.

I am a strong woman who believes that the best things in life require a lot of hard work and dedication. And I am never going to lack in self-confidence. And even though you might have your share of insecurities, I’m still going to see the best in you. I’m still going to focus on your potential. I’m going to believe in you even when you’re lacking in self-esteem. I won’t expect you to get everything right all of the time. I won’t expect you to not have your share of stumbles and falls. But you can always count on me to pick you back up whenever you do trip. And I am going to expect you to do the same for me as well. I am going to dedicate myself to giving you a fresh perspective whenever I can; and I’m also going to need you to look out for my blind spots as well.

If you’re going to fall in love with me, you can’t expect me to just say yes to whatever you want me to say yes to. I’m not that kind of girl. I’m going to think for myself. I am going to have independent thought; and I expect the same from you as well. Of course, if you and I are compatible, we are going to see eye to eye on a lot of things. But we also can’t be too shy to disagree every so often. It’s okay for us to have conflicting opinions. It’s okay for us to have a few arguments. I expect you to disagree with me every now and then – but I am always going to keep an open mind and an open heart to whatever you might have to say. I am never going to belittle you or make you feel like your thoughts and opinions don’t matter. I am never going to make you feel like you’re not allowed to speak up. I don’t want you to be scared to agree with me.

As a strong woman, I am never going to be afraid of speaking my truth. And I’m always going to call it like I see it. You will never have to worry about me being dishonest with you. I am never going to lie to you. I am never going to deceive you. I am never going to conceal the truth from you – but you need to do the same for me. I need you to be the kind of guy who always tells me the truth even when it gets you in trouble. I need you to be the kind of man who is brave enough to face the truth – because only the cowardly resort to lies. And I’m not interested in falling in love with a coward.

And at the end of the day, I need you to be strong-willed. It’s okay to be emotional, but you can’t let your emotions get the best of you. I need you to be my strength whenever I’m lacking in it. I need you to be a rock on which I can build a foundation for our future together. I need you to be a man I can really rely on to be there for me whenever I need you. And you can always count on me to be the same for you.

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