Over a 2.3million people have signed a petition demanding Amber Heard’s removal from Aquaman 2, as she goes into court with ex-husband Johnny Depp.

Peter Safran, the film’s producer, dismissed the campaign on Change.org years ago, saying that it would have no bearing on the film’s casting decision.
“I don’t think we’re ever going to react to, honestly, pure fan pressure,” Safran said last summer.
DC sequel starring Heard as Mera, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, wrapped shooting in January, director James Wan confirmed. The film is due for release on March 23, 2023.
It was created by fans who claim that Heard “has systematically crusaded to ruin Depp’s Hollywood career” ever since they divorced in 2017. It is aimed at collecting three million signatures.

Depp, 58, has filed a defamation lawsuit against Heard for $50 million (£39 million) after claiming her abuse claims are unfounded. In response, Heard has filed a countersuit.
Heard had previously criticized the movement to have her removed from Aquaman 2, stating in a statement to Entertainment Weekly in November 2020, ‘Paid rumors and paid campaigns on social media don’t dictate [casting decisions] because they have no basis in reality.’
‘Only the fans actually made Aquaman and Aquaman 2 happen. I’m excited to get started next year.’
The trial continues.
You can also vote if you think Amber heard should not be the part of the movie.
Petition on change.org started by Jeanne Larson:
Amber Heard has been exposed as a domestic abuser by Johnny Depp. In his $50 million lawsuit, Johnny Depp describes many incidents of domestic abuse that he suffered at the hands of his (then) wife Amber Heard, including one incident where she punched him twice in the face and another where she shattered his finger with a vodka bottle, and his finger had to be surgically reattached. He will bear the scar from that for the rest of his life.
Also, Amber Heard was arrested in 2009 for abusing a former domestic partner, Tasya Van Ree, demonstrating a repeated pattern of abuse by Amber Heard.
Since Heard’s divorce from Johnny Depp, she has systematically crusaded to ruin Depp in Hollywood, repeating multiple accounts of fake incidents in which she had actually abused Johnny Depp, but lied and created false accounts of him being the abuser. About the incident during which she shattered the bones in Johnny Depp’s finger and nearly severed it, causing Depp to require surgery to reattach and repair it, Heard presented a false story claiming that he cut off his finger himself, dipped it in paint and scrawled obscenities all over the walls.
Likewise, Heard recounts fabricated incidents of Johnny Depp hitting her in the face when she had, in fact, punched him. Though staff and neighbors in the building where she lived reported seeing no marks on her face in the hours and days after she says Johnny Depp hit her, yet she appeared in court six (6) days later with bruises on her face, asking for a temporary restraining order, which was granted. Photos of Heard from the very next day show her full face, without makeup, and not a single bruise.
As Amber Heard is a known and proven domestic abuser, Warner Brothers and DC Entertainment should and must remove Heard from their Aquaman 2 film project. They must not ignore the suffering of Heard’s victims, and must not glamorize a domestic abuser.
Men are victims of domestic abuse, just like women. This must be recognized, and action must be taken to prevent a known abuser from being celebrated within the entertainment industry.
Do the right thing. Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2.
What’s your opinion?
How do you see this campaign against Amber Heard? Do you think it’s relevant to what’s happening between Johnny Depp and her? Do you want to see Heard in the movie or are you in the agreement with this campaign?
Source: Entertainment Weekly, Change.org
If it affects him financially as it has, then it should affect her as well
Destroy her career as she did to Depp. If you want to be in the spotlight be a good human and not a piece of sh**!
She need to be removed
Amber heard should definitely be removed from aqua man 2
I totally agree with you,she is a very mean person..He did everything he could to please her financially ….
In agreement kick her off
After what she has done to Johnny Depp with the abuse and lies I would not contribute my money to ANYTHING that she is in so if she is in Aquaman 2 then I would not go see it nor would I buy it. I can’t stand liars, cheaters and abusers and will not support them.
Will not help advance the career of a documented abuser who has single handedly ruined Johnny Depp’s career. For nothing more than his money her notoriety. I will never watch, much less pay to watch, a movie with her in it.
If Johnny has been cast out due 2 his verbal abuse, then she shud definately b cast out due 2 verbal and physical violence, the distress caused by her is diabolical and no woman shud get away wiv it because she’s a woman and not a man
She was arrested for domestic violence in her lesbian relationship with Taysa Ree.
What difference does that make?
Vote her off
Remove her
She needs to be taken off aqua man 2, she’s an abusive person. She deserves everything horrible thing coming to her.
She doesn’t deserve to be in this after what she has done to him
On Johnny’s side all the way. She needs to be removed
Yes, Amber Heard was secretly recording him at his worst moments. I believe she was doing that to ruin him. She called the cops on Johnny and 3 cop testified that They saw no sign of Domestic violence on her except that she had been crying. Numerous witnesses testified that she was the one that was the Domestic violence violator. The phycologist that interviewed her diagnosed her with Borderline Personality Disorder. She released the Washington Post Article to get PR for the film Aquman. Further she was not the person that wrote it but she was the one that ok’d it to be printed. After reading the article, it is quite clear she was talking about Johnny. She believed that she had plenty of evidence of her claim by all the recordings she secretly recorded. Who does that in a relationship unless she planned on a future date to use them against Johnny.
My thoughts exactly!!
A narcissist does all that pre planned work. Narcs are pure evil.
She destroyed Johnny depp do same to her way a f***ing b*tch
She portrayed herself as the victim and tried to become an ACLU ambassador. She donated 350,000.00, and Johnny donated 100,000.00. Johnny was unaware of her secret vile plans to try to assassinate his character.
No place in the public eye for unremorseful folks like her.
She is not a good person I hope karma meets her real soon
It is a woman like her that has caused my son so much devastation. I hope she has to pay him more than 50mil and never works again!
I want her removed from the movie she has no grounds for what she’s doing to him she’s a fake greedy joke!!!!!!
We stand with Johnny
She needs to be kicked off aquaman 2!!! She also needs to be charged and sent to jail if the roles were reversed the man would of already been put in jail!!! #justice4johnny
Get her out if it was the other way round it would be different
She needs to be removed ASAP she has ruined depps career so hers should be ruined too!!
Totally agree. She should really be ousted out of Hollywood. I will never watch another film with her in it or associated with it.
Amber Heard is a disgrace and should be removed from Aquaman 2
She is pure evil!
I think she should be removed from Aquaman. Johnny was removed from Pirates of the Caribbean because Disney chose guilty until proven innocent. Bad move on Disney’s part but what’s new. She should have taken a closer look at Johnny’s fanbase over the span of 30 years and realized she was out of her league on trying to ruin an innocent man’s career.
Remove her!!! She’s tried her best to ruin Johnny Depp!!!!
Im so glad
He stood up and spoke out . If you followed the case thoroughly , she wanted money and property to keep quiet and walk away lol. So glad he took her to court
Her career should be ruined foemlies and
Abuse. Sad all
FOr lies
Yes. Give her the boot
She’s a terrible person, and Johnny depp shouldn’t have to suffer bc of her.# Get rid of her 2022
She should be removed from all movies due to her actions. This woman is crazy.
He has lost Pirates of the Caribbean for no reason – he should get that back and she should lose Aquaman, with cause.
Remove her from any movies from social media and society.
Remove Amber Heard from Auqaman 2.
She need to be removed
She took his 2 main roles and what did she lose nothing
If Disney can drop Depp, then DC needs to drop Heard. Come on Warner Brothers. You don’t condone domestic abuse, do you?
I think she should be removed
Ruin her career like she did Johnny’s!!!
Absolutely , she doesn’t deserve the limelight . She’s an abusive Woman that needs to get some help. She destroyed his career over lies . She can F off
Remove her
Remove her PLEASE
She should be removed. She tried to ruin his life. Now the truth comes out hers needs ruining.
She should not be hired for anything again.
Remove her , she is diabolic
If men can be labeled domestic abusers so can women.
No one wants an abuser in their movies. Remove her.
All I want is for
Jonny dep to be in Pirates of the Caribbean’s franchise please
Without him Pirates of the Caribbean won’t make meaning anymore please
I won’t be paying for or watching anything with her in it!! She’s trash and definitely an abuser! He got removed over her false claims so why won’t they remove her when she actually was the abuser smfh.
End her Career like what she did to Johnny Depp! She’s nothing but Trouble! She needs to be put in a cage
where can I find this petition? It’s not shared for everyone to sign.
She shouldn’t be on it. No talent.
I think Depp deserves to be back & put her out for a change. She needs to taste her own medicine.
Amber should not be in any more movies, completely remove her from making any movies. She should be idolized for being a repeat abuser.
Amber Heard should DROPPED from the Franchise & other endorsements like Johnny was …. & he has suffered for it since before any legal actions were in place being judged in th Court of Public Opinion ….
Cancel Amber
Destroy her life as she did Mr Depps! I will not support this movie in anyway
Karma is on her way
Yes. She should be removed. And not cast in other roles; just like he has been subject to.
That abusive women should never be allowed to star in ANY movie or commercial! She’s sick and should be locked up!
Remove her. If he had to be removed from his movies she should get the same treatment and be removed from aqauaman
Their personal business should have no bearing on the movie at all, unless I missed something. Male abusers do it all the time. She plays her part well is all that matters. Unless the abuse is spilling onto the screen, let her play the part!
yes! she should be taken out of the movie.
Standing with Johnny !!
I think both sides of the story should be heard as well as evidence provided and judgement be made with as little bias as possible….we can not ignore the fact that it’s possible for men in the entertainment industry to be targeted simply due to bias that is always there whenever a lady comes out and claims she was the victim, easily ruining someone’s career because they’ll believe her over the guy…
Remove her! He was removed from Pirates so she needs removed from Aquaman!
Amber is a psychopath she was out to destroy Johnny .Not only Aquaman but every other movie she plays in ,should be boycotted she should never put that face of hers on any film . The film 🎥 industry will lose alot more money 💰💵 . Life is a matter of choice and now you take the consequences for your actions. And as for Johnny I would want him in every movie .
There can only be one Jacksparrow 🏴☠️
“I don’t think she should be in the movie . After the way she has treated JD and ruined his reputation .”
She s hounded Depp, made his life unbearable, it seems a fitting punishment to remove her off the movie
Thank you for creating this. She must be removed immediately. We expect an announcement very soon.
If the directors do not think our opinions matter in their decisions on Amber being in the sequel then they have a rude awakening. Not for just her but it will affect the whole cast. Get RID of her!!!
No to Cancel Culture. Let the court decide and then the Private Companies they work through should decide based on court decision.
She needs to remove from aquaman 2, she don’t deserve it she’s not a good person. She’s a scammer, she’s not even famous until Johnny marry her! Why she does all these chaos to Johnny!? Johnny is a sweetheart, I love Johnny Depp ♥️
She suffers from Narcissistic personality disorder. They smear campaign their victim with a vengeance. These types of depraved individuals are soulless. I feel for anyone who was unfortunate enough to have crossed paths with a Narc.
Vote her off
I think she should kick off from all movies n tv shows n anything that’s has to do with her period
If it was a man it would be done and has so YES get rid of her. She should have no exception.
She Needs to Go!!!!
Get Some Help!!
She needs to go how u mess with Johnny man smh
Something needs to be done about her abusive ways and she should definitely be held accountable for lying as well. She should be removed from the film as a start, also more needs to be done. I hope she gets help with whatever her issues are before she goes too far the next time.
Remove her and file charges against her for DV!
When an actor has been accused of domestic violence, they are stripped off ANY current and future work without questions. Even if they have not been 100% guilty or the accusations have not been completely confirmed. If they are guilty, I am in favor that that man SHOULD NOT be able to continue their projects as their actions should NOT be accepted, celebrated or supported. However, this is done when a male actor has only been suspect off violence. Without any questions, their careers abs life potentially ruined for ever —in other word, what happened to Johnny Depp! So…. If this was done to Mr. Depp and now evidence hace finally showed that he in fact is innocent and Amber was the one that created all of the FALSE evidence and she, in fact, ruined his career and evidence now shows that SHE IS THE ABUSER… Then, isn’t it fair that the same treatment should apply to her?! Thus, I think that DC should not SUPPORT, CELEBRATE OR GLORIFY THE ACTIONS OF AN ABUSER! She should get the same treatment that Hollywood has shown Johnny Depp.
With how things have been working recently in Hollywood, I think that it is fair that ALL MEN AND WOMEN are treated equally under ANY circumstances. Thus, Mrs. Heard should NOT BE ALLOWED to play in such a role or any from now on while all EVIDENCE keeps showing her as the abuser, liar, and unfit mentally.
And to end my personal opinion… yes, I am a big fan of Johnny Depp, BUT if EVIDENCE would have shown him as the abuser, I would have NOT CONTINUE to support him. THIS is NOT ABOUT being a FAN of his work is about a MAN OR WOMAN being ABUSERS, VIOLENT, and UNWELL MENTALLY to keep going without CONSEQUENCES to their ACTIONS, WITHOUT being STOPPED and ALLOWING HIM/HER TO ABUSE ANOTHER VICTIM AND BE GLORIFIED FOR THEIR UNACCEPTABLE ACTIONS AND BEHAVIOR, and not finding the HELP they need becuase they are definitely NOT WELL, and to respond LEGALLY to their actions.
Fire Amber Heard! What’s good for the goose, is good for the gaznder!!
I want to see her put in jail for this abuse or a mental institution she is wrong
She needs to be out of the movie
No I definetly do not want to c her in a new film
She should be removed…do the right thing.
I agree they need to remove her from the aquaman 2 film a lot of people won’t be going to see the movie if they keep her in it..