Kanye West Wants to Build a Planned Community called ‘Yecosystem’ Amid Major Brands Cutting Ties with him

The Yeezy Saga Continues with another episode of controversy.

A few reports suggest that the 45-year-old rapper is now planning to build a network of small planned cities which he’ll call the Yecosystem.

And according to sources, the king of controversies has already applied for copyrights.

As reported by the Daily Mail, “The 45-year-old, whose nicknames include Yeezy, is trying to trademark the words ‘Yeezyverse,’ ‘Yzyverse’ and ‘Yxyverse’ for the project, according to Rolling Stone.”

“He hopes for each city to be able to sustain itself, with its own branded homes, shops, schools, news outlets, and production houses.”

The magazine reported that the musician intends to include essentials such as beauty shops and health care systems in each of the cities.

“He comes from a good place. It’s definitely his goal that everything that people touch that’s his is a good thing and has a good impact on the world,” a source explained.

“Based on the trademark application, the massive undertaking will see towns built all over the United States beginning next year.”

According to TMZ, after his anti-semitic comments and ‘White Lives Matter’ shirts at the Paris Fashion Week, the rapper has been heavily slammed by all the major brands and companies, with some even disassociating with him for life.

“Kanye West’s Yeezy shoes have always been just as popular on the resale market as they are in stores — but there’s a clear shift happening — with many resellers hesitant to make any moves until Adidas announces its position with Ye.”

His Yeezy shoes have been very popular in the past, but in the recent turn of events, after Vogue and Balenciaga sever ties with the rapper, resellers of his Yeezy shoes fear that Adidas might also make such an announcement.

“The sneakers will stop being mass-produced if Adidas parts ways with Kanye – and if Adidas stays with him, but the public does not, the shoes will sink in market value,” wrote Daily Mail.

 According to Page Six, a Vogue spokesperson stated on Friday that the magazine will not work with Kanye in the future after his offending remarks that went viral on social media these past few weeks.

Vogue’s editor-in-chief, Anna Wintour, is said to have a close relationship with West and the new announcement from the brand says that neither the magazine nor Wintour will work with him anymore.

“Wintour first invited West to her annual Met Gala in 2009 before featuring him and now-ex-wife Kim Kardashian on the cover in 2014 after their wedding.”

“Just last month, Wintour modeled the Yeezy founder’s new sunglasses line in press images sent out to promote the shades — even after he publicly bullied Kardashian online about their children.”

A few sources reveal that the editor-in-chief is ready to cut ties with her longtime pal after he refused to apologize for his insensitive comments against the Jewish community and even doubled down on them.

“Anna has had enough. She has made it very clear inside Vogue that Kanye is no longer part of the inner circle,” an insider told Page Six.

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Sources: Daily MailTMZDaily MailPage Six

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