Ladies You Deserve More Than Just A Cheap Text Message

No. You can’t pull that kind of crap with me anymore. Have you completely forgotten about what you put me through? Do you think that by texting me an ambiguous Hey would have me weak in the knees for you again? I’m not an idiot. I’ve grown to be a smarter and I’m no longer gullible to such childish advances.

No. You can’t pull that kind of crap with me anymore. Have you completely forgotten about what you put me through? Do you think that by texting me an ambiguous Hey would have me weak in the knees for you again? I’m not an idiot. I’ve grown to be a smarter and I’m no longer gullible to such childish advances. Go and take your machismo persona someplace else where it’s needed because you won’t find anyone needing it here. It takes a whole lot more to win someone like me over these days. You can’t just expect me to fall head over heels for you on the pretext that you’re interested in me again because of a cheap text message. There are plenty of other guys in the world who will treat me better in one day than you did throughout the course of our entire relationship. I gave you my heart and you abused it instead of taking care of it. You should be so lucky. I’m not willing to put myself in such a vulnerable position with you again when I know you did it wrong the first time. I owe it to myself to find someone better.

No. Just because you liked my recent profile picture on Facebook doesn’t mean it makes me feel good about myself. My happiness and self-worth is no longer dependent on your approval. You no longer hold that over my head. I am in charge of my own state of mind because I am free of your hold. I couldn’t care less about your liking that picture of me looking absolutely fabulous. You could be doing it as an attempt to manipulate me or you genuinely like how I’m looking, but I couldn’t care less regardless of your intentions. Your thoughts, feelings, and goals are no longer relevant in my life. I have a life of my own and you no longer play a significant part in it. The only part that you play is that of an irrelevant pest who is constantly trying to mess the current smooth sails of my life. You should know that you’re never going to succeed. I am so much more confident in my own skin now and I have you to thank for that. You made me realize that I have so much more to offer the world and I shouldn’t limit myself to only you.В – Continue reading on the next

No. Your random comment on my Instagram saying that you miss me has absolutely no effect on me. You’re going to have to try harder than that. You can’t stir up any significant emotions in me if you’re going to limit yourself to cheap tactics like that. The old me may have been susceptible to such gestures, by the person I am now can see right through it. I know I deserve so much better because women in general deserve to be treated like princesses. We should never be subjected to mere playthings that play the roles of objectification. We also carry deep emotions and feelings that need to be nurtured and maintained. We cannot allow anyone to penetrate our emotional system without first ensuring that we will be taken care of. I am a strong and independent woman. I know that I am perfectly capable of providing for myself. I know that I can live a full and happy life on my own should I be unlucky enough to never find a man who will treat me right, and I’m okay with that. I would rather struggle on my own two feet than have some inconsiderate man trick me into thinking that he genuinely cares about me.

Real men actually put effort into making their ladies fall for them. Cheap text messages and social media messages are only to be expected from cheap men. Ladies, we deserve so much more than cheap men. We have to up our standards and boycott men who refuse to live up to those standards. We, ourselves, also have to show men that we are worthy of their time and effort. We have to constantly strive and work at advancing our places in society. We have to show them that we don’t need any of them to help us with our goals in life, and that we simply choose to entertain them in our lives. We have the capacities to be so much more than what our traditional gender roles dictate. Let’s climb our way up our career ladders to show that we are economically independent. Let’s get fit and healthy to show that we actually care about our own well-being.

Let’s get educated and show that we have the potential to be smarter than any man out there who is trying to deceive us. Ladies, we deserve better. Men, you have to try harder.

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