Love Is Never Easy, But It’s Always Going To Be Worth It

Remember that life isn’t a Nicholas Sparks novel.

Love is never easy. It was never designed to be easy. It would be wrong for anyone to expect love to be simple and uncomplicated. Love is never going to be as smooth like a hot knife running through butter. Love isn’t going to be like Beethoven’s symphony. It’s never going to be like they depict in the movies or those fairy tale novels. Love is never going to be a simple walk in the woods. Love is going to be like a steep trek up a high hill. Love is never going to be a mere sprint. Love is a marathon that may last you a lifetime. Love isn’t going to be all sunshine and blue skies. There will be lots of rains, hurricanes, and thunderstorms and you’re just going to have to get used to it.

Love isn’t some sparring session in a boxing gym. Love is a real war sometimes and you really have to be able to stand your ground. Love isn’t going to be a simple yes or no line of questioning. There will be lots of philosophical and moral inquiries that you will have to answer to. The answer to love is never going to be found at the end of a straight line. Love isn’t going to be a smooth boat ride on a calm lake. Love is a kayak race through a wild river. Love is never going to be handed to you on a silver platter for you to enjoy for the rest of your life. It’s always something that you have to earn and fight for at all times.

Love is always going to be a great trial for you to face. It’s always a test that you’re going to have to pass. Real love is never going to be free of any complications or stumbles. Love is never going to be a simple 1-2-3 process. There are going to be lots of twists and turns that you will have to navigate your way through.

This is the harsh truth that you’re going to have to learn early on. If you are genuinely in love with a person, you aren’t always going to be spending all your days staring deeply into each other’s eyes and just appreciating each other’s love. It’s not always going to be as simple as walking down the street with your hands intertwined. It’s not always going to be hot romantic candlelit dinner dates by a lake under the moonlight. Nope. It’s not always going to be like that. You’re going to have to put in so much work. You’re going to have to exert a lot of effort. You’re going to stress yourself out trying to balance your time and your energy for your relationship. You will have to actually make time to work on your relationship even when life is demanding so much more from you. You are going to have to deal with your career, your social life, your family life, and your finances while you’re having to deal with your relationship. And that’s a lot to have on a person’s plate.

Remember that life isn’t a Nicholas Sparks novel. Life isn’t a romantic Hollywood movie. Life doesn’t exist in the mind of a hopeless romantic. Life exists only in the real world – a world governed by rules and systems that may not necessarily work to your advantage. The real world is so much more complicated than you would ever hope for. In the real world, there is room for disappointment. In the real world, there is room for broken promises. In the real world, there is the possibility of arguments, disagreements, and conflicts. In the real world, there is the very real possibility of shattered dreams. And all of these can take a heavy toll on relationships.

The real world is never going to be friendly or kind to love. It’s never going to make things easier for romantic couples to thrive. You’re going to have to work really hard to protect the sanctity of your relationship. You really have to fight to preserve the love that you have for one another because there are just so many factors that may contribute to the demise of your relationship. You must really fight like hell to make your love work and that may seem intimidating, but you should know that love is always going to be worth it.

No matter how intimidating it may be to fall in love with someone, it’s always something that’s worth fighting for. No matter how much the odds are stacked against you in a relationship, it’s always worth taking a chance for. No matter what risks are involved in falling in love, you must always be willing to take that bet. Love is the single most beautiful thing in the world that we could ever get to experience.

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