Ever since the official verdict of the famous Depp-Heard trial came out, thousands of people have shared their feedback about the jury’s decision. While the majority celebrated Depp’s win, many have also opposed it and expressed their disappointment.
The Love Island Australia star Tayla Damir shared her views about the verdict and described it as “triggering.”
The award-winning model took to her Instagram and shared a long post. She said that she herself is a domestic abuse survivor and knows very well that it’s not easy for the survivors to talk about their trauma and bad experiences knowing that they won’t be believed. And if they finally decide to open up, people either ask stupid questions or make fun of them.
In her post, the 25-year-old model wrote,
“As someone who has been through domestic violence in a relationship at a young age and survived, the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case is extremely triggering.
“The case has been seen as a drama series to the world. An opportunity for memes and TikTok videos. The worst thing about this court case is that neither of them is fighting for domestic abuse changes but instead arguing about their reputations.”
‘It’s a case built on ego.’
She also agreed with Amber’s statement where the Aquaman actress said that she was extremely disappointed with the verdict because it would be a setback for all the domestic abuse survivors, and generally women.
Damir stated that Amber Heard is a public figure who raised her voice against domestic abuse, and the whole world heard it. Nothing helped her, nonetheless.
She fears now the victims of domestic abuse and violence would worry even more about people’s opinions and reactions.

“For people in domestic relationships, one of their biggest fears is that no one will believe them, and when you watch how the world has reacted to this case (taken the opportunity to create a mockery of it), you blame them?”
“Regardless of who is at fault here. There is never a time or place where it is ok to make fun or light of domestic violence claims,”
“Think about how many people would be too scared to come forward due to the world’s reaction over the last few weeks,”
“Imagine if there was a loved one of yours stuck in a domestic relationship, and they saw you sharing a meme from this case. Do you really think they would now confide in you?”

She concluded her post by saying that now that the world has seen that the powerful always win, the real powerless victims would not gather the courage to speak up because there will be doubts and second thoughts, and for the right reasons.
‘It’s not a matter of who won or lost the case; it’s about respecting people who are survivors of domestic violence who didn’t survive and who are trying to survive.’
Ridiculous, Johnny was the victim and Amber is a lying narcissistic conniving b*tch!!!!
So I guess Johnny Depo being abused should be over looked and acted as if HE WAS NEVER ABUSED.
Bullshit it goes both ways and she was exposed as the psycho LIAR she is
If your a true victim of domestic violence you tend to remember every second of it. Not make fun of the situation nor smirk when your trying to set your abuser up. Your terrified! Imo she’s the abuser. Who would ever shit on the bed in any scenario? Too many lies for me to believe she’s a victim of anything but vying for attention and poor spending habits
Seriously?! Why do you feel the need to preach about domestic abuse, but leave out the fact that men as well as women are victims too. Why are you making the claim that Amber Heard is the victim and not Johnny Depp? There is two sides to every story and there is the truth. None of us was there to say who the victim was. The only thing I will say is Amber Heard was caught lying many times though this trial. Don’t go making assumptions about Amber being a victim and that this was a set back for all women. How I see it is that Amber’s lies in court is the real set back for true domestic violence against women.
So because a man stood up and said he was abused and proved it, it’s a setback? Or is that what makes it all about ego? Amber Heard made a mockery of abuse victims and survivors. And no, Johnny’s platform wasn’t bringing attention or change to how the world views domestic violence. It was his abuse he wanted stopped. It was his abuse he wanted the courts to recognize. Like every abused person out there, he was standing up for himself. There was nothing wrong with that. It wasn’t his place to change the world. He wanted his world back..and you’ve no right to judge him, for making that claim or standing up for himself. Nor do you have a right to bash him and say it’s about his ego. Men are abused too. Period.
Johnny Depp is an abuse survivor by the way. Amber Heard is a manipulator who without mentioning Johnny Depp’s name tried to accuse him of abuse. He did what many would do…..he defended himself and wanted the world to know the truth. You’re a TV Personality and of course by writing the things you have written-this is your 15 minutes of fame, isn’t it? The trial is done, over with and both of their lives have been laid out for the whole world….why keep bashing and causing more stirrup? I would think you get enough attention. Leave it be, let it go, allow both parties to get on with their lives instead of stirring up more drama. I was abused as a child. I was abused by men. I do not allow anything to trigger my past feelings of abuse. You need to act like a responsible adult and get over someone else’s issues and learn to control your own triggers. Why try to say crap like you have to set off another round of what Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have gone through. If any triggers are set off-it’s because people like you can’t let go of someone else’s tragedies.
Amber Heard was not a survivor of domestic violence she was the abuser so if anyone as ruined it for the real survivors it’s her. Unbelievable did you even watch the trial the only thing that came out her mouth was lies, she maliciously ruined his life with hoaxes and fake photographs of bruises she had applied with a bruise kit. She clearly is one delusional narcissus.
It was about money and ego for Amber and truth for Johnny. I’m not sure where you come from speaking like all domestic violence survivors would feel and act the way you think they would . No ma’am, that definitely is not how that works. But I’ll tell you how all domestic violence victims definitely feel, ashamed and I’ll tell.you what any domestic violence victim has if they were truthfully a victim…proof. why would this be triggering for you? I don’t believe that for a minute. Your ego needed attention, that’s what I believe. To say this case was triggering for you literally makes me laugh! It wasn’t triggering for me. You should be concerned as much about people who are sitting in prison for crimes they actually did not commit. Domestic violence is a crime, being falsely accused is pretty serious, and too….a crime! Did that trigger you too?
First of all Amber shouldn’t have mocked or played around with domestic abuse. If she was really abused by Johnny, instead of taking videos of her arguing with Johnny or Johnny slamming some cabinets why the hell she didn’t take videos of him hitting her violently. As a male abuser he wouldn’t have let her do any kind of video. She was the only one taking stupid videos that couldn’t stand on court for strong allegation evidence. If Tayla Damira was abused or a Survivor of domestic abuse she would have know how delicate and scary it is to take videos on a domestic abuser. Put yourself in Johnny shoes in that case. Just because Johnny is a male doesn’t mean we can’t considered him as domestic Survivor. No one knows but them. If Tayla saw the videos she would have known there wasn’t enough evidence to prove Johnny was guilty. It wasn’t because of power It was because there was not enough evidence in her part. I was abused when I was 15 and I know for a fact if I was fucked by a bottle at Amber age I would have left his sorry ass or escaped. She could’ve called the cops like the rest of the other times. But she decided to stay and still be with him. Come on why would Johnny try to escape from her and locked himself in rooms or in a bathroom!!?? Why would Amber follow him instead of her being scared of him??!! But she decided to stay. If Johnny was an abuser, Amber wouldn’t have able to escape him or divorce his ass. So no he wasn’t the abuser. Amber had a chance to escape since the beginning. Also It’s fucking bullshit that she says he loves him that is why she Couldn’t seem to leave him. Cry me a River please!!! I like Johnny Depp but I wouldn’t take his side if I knew he was an absolute abuser. But I kept my mind open when I saw the whole case and evidence. I put my feelings aside as an abuser survivor also. People are just trying to justify Amber just because she’s a female. Instead of justifying or assuming then Amber needs some solid evidence instead of words. He say she said doesn’t hold in court.
She obviously didn’t pay attention to the facts, and possibly needs a little attention at the moment.
Sorry about her unfortunate experience.