Miracle Baby – Incredible Moment Baby Wakes Up After Mother Cuddles Him One Last Time

This miraculous story comes from Queensland, Australia. On March 25, 2010, Kate & David Ogg had their first babies – twins! But tragedy struck soon after as the doctor said one of the twins, Jamie, wasn’t breathing.

The twins, Jamie & Emily, were born minutes apart. But while Emily was breathing normally and making noises, Jamie was silent. Doctors quickly started working on Jamie but soon disclosed the sad news to his parents that their baby would not make it and only had moments to live.

In those last moments, Kate asked the doctors if she could hold her baby during his last moments and cuddle him. Kate also asked her husband, David, to join them in bed.

The couple embraced and cuddled their dying baby while whispering sweet things in his ear – hoping it would make Jamie move. And soon, a miracle happened! Jamie started breathing and holding on to his dad’s finger.

Kate Ogg, while speaking to The Daily Mail Australia, spoke about how this happened:

“They were both born in their sac but Jamie didn’t make a noise when they tore it open. Emily let out a big wail,

“We looked over and everyone was crowding around Jamie – there was about 20 people in the room. The vibe wasn’t very good.

“He stopped breathing and his heartbeat was nearly gone. After 20 minutes they stopped working on him.

“I saw him gasp but the doctor said it was no use. I took Jamie off the doctor, asked everyone to leave. He was cold and I just wanted him to be warm.

“We had tried for years to have kids and I felt so guilty. I just wanted to cuddle him. I unwrapped him and ordered my husband to take his shirt off and climb into the bed.   

“I know it sounds stupid, but if he was still gasping there was still a sign of life so I wasn’t going to give up easily. 

“We were trying to entice him to stay. We explained his name and that he had a twin that he had to look out for and how hard we tried to have him.

“He suddenly gasped… then he opened his eyes. He was breathing and grabbing Dave’s finger. 

“If we had let the doctor walk out of the room with him, Jamie would have been dead.”

The couple now shares three beautiful children. Apart from being incredible parents, they run a Facebook Community called Jamie’s Gift. Through their community, they generate donations for the Miracle Babies Foundation, which helps premature newborns.

If this story proves anything – it’s to never give up on hope and love. Kate wanted to hug her child during his last moments when the doctors told her he didn’t have more than a few moments of life left. But miracles do happen if you keep your hopes up. A parent’s undying love for their child can work wonders!

You can support Kate’s cause by joining her Facebook Community.

Source: The Daily Mail

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