Kelly Healey is a mother-of-five from West London. In 2018, she became Britain’s youngest grandmother when her daughter, Skye, gave birth to her son – Kelly was 30 at the time, and Skye was a 14-year-old teenager.
Kelly found out about the pregnancy when her daughter was 36 weeks into it. Kelly decided to be a loving and supporting mom rather than going off on her daughter about getting pregnant at such a young age.
She happily accepted her new role as a grandmother when he grandson, Bailey, was born.
Kelly Healey, speaking to The Sun, talked about how it changed her life:
“I never expected to find out I would become a nan while still in my 20s.”
“But there was no point in yelling at Skye about contraception and safe sex. What was done was done.”
“All I could do was offer love and support. As a mum you just deal with these things.”
“I act like I’m in my early 20s, so it doesn’t feel right to be a granny.”
“My friends think it’s hilarious I’ve got a grandson. He’s always getting mistaken for my son.”
Skye, who’s now 17, told The Sun:
“I was stunned. I had a secret feeling I might be pregnant which is why I’d suggested the test. The dad is a local lad around my own age.”
“I couldn’t believe it. I was potentially days off becoming a mum. Just weeks earlier I had been doing PE and climbing up and down hills.”
“Of course, finding out I was pregnant so late meant ab*rtion wasn’t an option.”
“But I couldn’t have done that anyway. Seeing my baby’s heartbeat on the screen, my heart filled with love.”
“I knew from that point onwards I would always take second place, and my baby boy would take first.”
It looks like Kelly Healy is going to have her hands full, and we love her for supporting her daughter and embracing her new role as Britain’s youngest grandmother.
Watch video Kelly Healey sharing the details about her journey to become a grandmom:
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Source: The Sun