Narcissists Think Every Empath Should Owe Them These 8 Things

As a self-confessed narcissist, you need to believe me when I say that you need to stay away from me if you want what is good for you. I have so many tricks up my sleeve. I know just what I need t do in order to control and manipulate you. I know just how to feed into your fears and insecurities to make sure that you feel dependent on being and staying with me. I know exactly what kind of buttons I need to push to make sure that you feel indebted to me. I know that you are a nice person, and I also know that your nicety is what makes you weak and vulnerable. I know that you are an honest and decent person; and that I am not. I know that I am selfish, particularly in these specific ways:

1. I will make you feel responsible for me.

I will feel a sense of entitlement with you in the sense that I want you to feel responsible for my well-being. I will want you to take care of me. I will want you to feel like my life is in your hands and that you can’t drop the ball. I will try to make it seem like you have to be doing more for my sake.

2. I will make you feel indebted to me.

I will make sure to come across as the only person in this life who has ever done any good for you. I will want you to feel a certain sense of indebtedness towards me. I will want you to feel like you owe me for everything that I have ever been or done for you.

3. I will make you pity me.

I will portray myself as a victim. I will make it seem like I am a pitiful person and so you will HAVE to feel sorry for me. This is my way of manipulating you into doing more for me.

4. I will make you feel guilty about nothing.

You might not have done anything wrong to me. You might have never caused me harm in our relationship. You could be doing everything so well, in fact. But I’m still going to try to find a way to make you feel guilty for every imperfect aspect of our relationship. I will find a way to make you feel guilty for something that isn’t even your fault.

5. I will make you feel compelled to fix me.

I will present myself as some sort of broken puzzles that you need to fix. I will broadcast all of my brokenness for you and turn myself into some kind of science project that you need to work on.

6. I will take advantage of your relentless and persistent attitude.

I know that you aren’t a quitter, and I’m going to milk that fact to my advantage. I’m going to make sure that you NEVER quit on me just because I know your pride and conscience won’t let you do so.

7. I will make you feel dependent on me.

I will destroy your confidence. I will destroy your sense of self-esteem. I will make you believe in your own incompetence. This is my way of making you think that you can’t make it in this world on your own. This is my way of getting you to believe that you need to stay with me for you to survive.

8. I will make you feel completely cut-off from everyone else.

I will make you feel like there is no one else out there for you. I’m going to make you feel like you are just plainly alone in this world. I will want you to buy into your own weakness. I will want you to eat up the idea that you are truly on your own and that no one is going to help you except me.

I’m not right in the head. I’m really not a guy you should be taking a chance on. I know that there are parts of me that I shouldn’t be proud of. I know that I have a lot of stuff that I need to deal with before I can really find success in love. But it’s a lot easier said than done to deal with these things. I’m not going to be able to guarantee that I will be okay during the course of this relationship. I can’t promise you that I can just turn it off. I can’t promise you that I am eventually going to change. I’m really not even sure myself.

Just know that in the meantime, you need to stay away from me. If you want to find true love, you have to know that you aren’t going to find it with me. If you are looking for something serious and real; you aren’t really going to be able to get that with me. So you might as well be on your way.

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