Olympian Says She destroyed her Dating Life by Revealing She is a Virgin

A US-based Olympian made the mistake of revealing that she is a 40-year-old virgin, which ruined her dating life.

Lolo Jones from America is one of the most successful hurdlers in US history and has won three NCAA titles and eleven American honors for her accomplishments.

According to Daily Mail, “The sports star, originally from Iowa – who was already breaking track records by the time she graduated college – has become one of the most accomplished hurdlers in the world.”

The highly talented sportswoman has been open about her values and said she was steadfast about her decision not to have a sexual relationship without marriage.

But that made her struggle to find love as she couldn’t find the right person until the age of 40 despite being the most acclaimed athlete in the US.

“The bobsledder first revealed that she was a virgin in 2012, right before she headed to London for her second stint in the Olympics, explaining in an interview at the time that she wanted to save herself as a ‘gift’ for her husband,” per Daily Mail.

Since then, it’s been a decade and she is still looking for her Mr. Right as most men turned away from her when she told them, she hasn’t been with a man, ever.

“And most recently, she faced another devastating blow when she revealed that she had been ‘stalked’ by three different men over the last year who ‘crossed the line, jeopardized her and her friend’s safety, and altered her life.”

The sprinter first opened up about waiting until marriage in 2012 when she was 29 years old and said it was mainly because of her strong faith and her parents’ disorderly relationship – they were never married and had five children, including Lolo.

Her parents parted ways when she was just a little girl, and she spent most of her childhood living with her single mother in poverty.

She admitted that declaring the truth about herself repelled many people who would leave her because she had never been intimate with a man before.

“It’s just something, a gift I want to give to my husband,” she said. “But please understand, this journey has been hard. There are virgins out there, I’m gonna let them know, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life,” she said during her interview with HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel.

“Harder than training for the Olympics,” she continued. “Harder than graduating from college has been to stay a virgin before marriage. I’ve had plenty of opportunities… I’ve had guys tell me, they are like, “Hey, you know, if you have sex it will help you run faster.’”

“My mom, she was with my dad for 20 years, never got married and they’re not together anymore. So I just want to have that solid bond,” the runner added.

In another interview with Kevin Hart on his Cold as Balls podcast in 2020, the athlete said being open about her virginity was her biggest mistake.

“That killed all my dates after that. Like, I didn’t even have a chance,” she told Kevin. “Before, at least I had a chance.”

“Before, I’d like, tiptoe, ‘Okay, when’s a good time to tell him? Do I wait until he sees my personality a little bit? Or do I just drop the bomb?'”

A year later, in 2021, she took to her Instagram and expressed her disappointment with life, saying she had been heartbroken so many times and almost gave up hope of finding ‘love’ in life.

“I’m really just bored with dating,” she wrote. “I think after so many times of getting your hopes up that you will meet your person… You just get over it. You give up hope.”

“Look I’m no spring chicken. I’m 38 years old. I’m not at an age where I can pretend. It’s hard to date. It’s always the same story, picking between two extremes. One guy is a Christian one guy is not.” 

In August 2022, the three times world champion posted a tearful video on her Instagram and said she was terrified of turning 40 and not having any near starting a family.

“I am about to be 40. Is it too late to freeze my eggs?” She wrote.

“I have made the right move to prepare for a family if I and my husband want to try to have kids one day, we have options,” she said in her video.

“No one should be shamed for taking their time to figure out who their life partner is. A woman shouldn’t be shamed for wanting biological kids or wanting to know what it’s like to be pregnant and carry her own child.”

Share Your Thoughts:

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Sources: InstagramDaily Mail

  1. I too am 40 dating has become a joke. No one is honest with their intentions or willing to effort into the relationship. But in your case, I feel you’re probably looking at hi end guys who have tons of money and have the Hollywood mentality. Some of us working class guys still have respect for women and do want an honest and Biblical relationship.

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