Psychologists Warn To Never Use These 10 Phrases When Talking To Your Child

Talking to our kids is super important, and the words we use really matter. Experts say there are some phrases we should avoid to make sure our communication is positive. Let’s talk about these phrases in a simple way so we can create happy and strong connections with our little ones.

So, grab a drink, get comfy, and let’s learn how to talk to our kids in a friendly and caring way!

1. “I am angry with you!”

When emotions run high, it’s important to choose our words wisely. Instead of saying, “I am angry with you,” try expressing your feelings differently. Share what specific behavior upset you, like “I felt hurt when you didn’t listen.” This way, you’re teaching your child about emotions and fostering a positive communication style.

2. “Stop crying now, I command”

Kids have feelings too, and crying is one way they express them. Instead of commanding them to stop, try saying, “I see you’re upset. Can you tell me what’s wrong?” This helps your child feel heard and understood, promoting a healthy emotional connection between you both.

3. “You’re a bad kid”

Nobody is perfect, especially not kids who are still learning and growing. Instead of labeling them as “bad,” focus on their actions. Say, “That behavior was not okay, but I know you can do better next time.” Encouraging positive behavior reinforces a sense of capability and responsibility.

4. “You always…” or “You never…”

Using extreme language can make a child feel overwhelmed or hopeless. Instead of making sweeping statements, address the specific behavior. For example, say “I noticed you didn’t finish your homework today. Is there something going on?” This opens up a conversation rather than creating a negative label.

5. “Because I said so!”

While authority is crucial, explaining your reasoning helps children understand and learn. Instead of shutting down with “Because I said so,” try saying, “I need you to finish your chores first, so we can enjoy some playtime together later.” This way, they grasp the importance of responsibility.

6. “I wish you were more like your sibling”

Comparisons can harm a child’s self-esteem. Instead, celebrate their unique qualities. Say, “Your sister is great at art, and you excel in math. I love how different you both are.” This promotes individuality and self-appreciation.

7. “Don’t be such a baby”

Dismissive phrases can discourage emotional expression. Instead, acknowledge their feelings by saying, “It’s okay to feel upset. Let’s talk about what’s bothering you.” This helps build emotional intelligence and strengthens your connection with your child.

8. “I never had that problem when I was your age”

Avoid undermining your child’s struggles by invalidating their experiences. Instead, say, “I may not have experienced that, but I’m here to help you navigate through it.” This shows empathy and creates a supportive environment.

9. “Why can’t you be more like [another child]?”

Comparing your child to others can create unnecessary pressure. Instead, celebrate their individual strengths by saying, “I love your unique qualities. Let’s focus on what makes you special.” This builds confidence and self-acceptance.

10. “You’re too sensitive”

Labeling a child as sensitive can make them feel self-conscious about their emotions. Instead, validate their feelings by saying, “It’s okay to feel things deeply. How can I support you right now?” This encourages emotional expression without judgment.

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