Reasons Why Even Independent Women Need Someone to Love

The idea of being independent is a matter of pride and strength for a woman. Being independent means being able to look after yourself, although there are times when we feel financially sufficient for ourselves but we still want to depend on someone for emotional comfort. There are some things even the most independent women need and they all have to do with emotions because we are human, and humans are made to feel and connect with other fellow humans.

Needing other people to satisfy our emotional needs does not make us weak or inferior. The reason why a child needs a parent and a parent needs a partner is that connecting makes us stronger and not vulnerable. Let’s accept that we do feel the need of a partner sometimes no matter how independent we are.

Although the majority of the independent women need someone to stay by their side at times of need, some of us can still want to be single and detached from relationships. If not partners, it is entirely okay to share your feelings with someone else like a friend or a parent.

Emotional dependency is natural and needing someone for the following reasons is also quite normal:

  • To encourage us and convince us every now and then to evolve and get better
  • To share with us the facts we often cannot see
  • To give us a different perspective of the decisions we are about to make or made in the past
  • To tell us we are not alone
  • To open the door with a smile on their face when we come home
  • To make our home feel like home
  • To walk us home when we are not strong enough to walk
  • To ask us about our doubts and clear them
  • To make us feel good
  • To tell us we are strong and they love us just like that
  • To zip us and unzip us
  • To help us decide between chocolate and vanilla
  • To not tell us we will get fat when we eat the whole meal in seconds
  • To look at us and appreciate our presence silently
  • To travel with us and make the experience worthwhile
  • To share a large pizza with us
  • To treat us well and respect other women too
  • To call us out to admit something we have been ignoring for a long time
  • To laugh with us at ourselves
  • To be comfortable with them, enough to do all kinds of silly things
  • To ask them to help us out
  • To fall asleep with them
  • To wake up beside them every morning
  • To share an apartment with them and every other possession
  • To spend holidays together
  • To help us fix stuff that we don’t know how to fix
  • To give us examples and predict the results of situations we are stepping in
  • To let us be weak and vulnerable without judging us
  • To love us when are not being loveable
  • To understand why we are being unlovable
  • To not force their presence upon us but to make sure we will always have their support
  • To share with us their life so that we know how differently independent they are
  • To sit with us and drink at the end of a long day
  • To tell us we have something between our teeth
  • To help us decide what we should wear on the big day
  • To help us with grocery shopping
  • To help us decide if someone is actually being a jerk or not
  • To be our mirror and tell us what we lack and what we possess more than enough
  • To be our reality check
  • To remind us every now and then that fairytales are not real
  • To encourage us to take stand for ourselves
  • To not consider us a maniac for shouting when we are angry
  • To understand that women can be equally stressed as men
  • To understand that we do not cry all the time
  • To accept the fact our professionalism can be better than men’s at times
  • To appreciate our independence and never judge it
  • To anticipate what we need when all we want to do is jump in bed and cry all night
  • And lastly, to be there for us.

It is certainly not easy for us to let someone have control over us, to some extent, all of a sudden. Therefore, we need to allow ourselves bit by bit to be vulnerable and open to some people. We need to give permission to ourselves to love a man or woman. After all, love is healthy to depend upon.

Add your reasons to the list!

Do you think these things can make a independent woman feel easy in her shoes? Let me know more reasons in the comments below and I will add them!

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