5 Reasons Women reject you whenever you ask them out

Persistence, my friend, is a good thing and you should never lose hope.

There are a lot of guys out there who don’t have a good time talking to girls. They have these weird talks with girls which turn out to be really boring or quite awkward when you hear them out loud. They are either not good socially or they have stage-fright. Whatever the reason may be, they end up being rejected by most of the girls and they develop some sort of complex which makes things even worse for them in the future.

Persistence, my friend, is a good thing and you should never lose hope. Here are some of the reasons why most of the girls call guys off.

  1. You don’t have enough experience or you are highly selective

Social anxiety is one of those things that can alleviate your confidence a lot. Some people even find it hard staring into someone’s eyes for more than some seconds. They are not good at conversations at all. Their first impression is abysmal. They come off as goofs or really dumb people. However, they have a lot to offer when someone gets to know them.

The underlying reason behind this is that they don’t have much experience communicating with people in their early years. They weren’t socially accepted or they didn’t have as many friends. The other reason is that they may be highly selective in trusting people. Everyone has trust issues and they find it hard talking to people because they think a lot. Some betrayal in the past has made them really defensive when it comes to approaching people.В *Continue reading on next page*

  1. You are trying to be unoriginal and someone else

The problem with people is that they think that if they pretend to be extroverts and outgoing and fun all the time in front of people, they will automatically lure more people towards them. Trust me, that is a huge misconception. Originality and rawness is what attracts most people. There are different types of girls and they feel secure around different types of guys. If you think that a girl will like you just because you are acting to be someone else, then you are just setting yourself up for disaster. This ploy might work for a one night stand, but nothing more than that.

In the end, you don’t even want a person who is not attracted to the real you but someone you’re pretending to be.

You are not only fooling her but fooling yourself too. There is beauty in every personality type and girls admire someone who accepts himself rather than wearing a masquerade.

  1. Society is misleading you

Chivalry is a long forgotten concept. Most of the guys nowadays try to act like teenagers even when they grow up. There is nothing wrong with displaying little gestures of love for your woman in a public place, like holding the door open for her. You should not be ashamed of this.

If you like a girl, you show the whole world you do and you feel proud of it. Yeah, it might feel awkward in this crooked society but your girl will like it, you can take my word for that. Sometimes, a little courage goes a long way, and loving someone is all about courage.В *Continue reading on next page*

  1. You need to inspire yourself to inspire others

If there is no inspiration in your life, then how can you expect someone to be attracted towards you? If you live the same boring routine, day in and day out, and just hope to magically find the love of your life on the street, then these miracles happen once in a blue moon. You need to do exciting things in your life and change your lifestyle and meet new people in different environments.

If you continue to spend your nights and days at work and home, then you aren’t helping your cause, even a little bit. You will become dull and bored yourself and sometimes, this makes you socially oblivious. When you are out of the game for this long, it’s hard to get back in it as well. You need to be prepared to take the extra step to make things right. You need that spark to get you psyched back up.

A person who is reluctant to try on new things and go to newer adventures is missing a lot of things in his life.

  1. You Over-think

Over-thinking can ultimately destroy you. Have you ever seen someone across the table but you’ve kept your mouth shut and remained silent, but there is a lot of biological activity in your head at the same time? You’re thinking about what the other person thinks about you and instead of just saying a simple hello; you wander off to unchartered territories and lose a golden opportunity to meet someone new in your life.

Don’t overthink, just do it! What’s the worst that could happen? You could get rejected, sure, but you will have no regrets.

At the end of the day, all you need is persistence. Persistence can give you all the necessary experience you want. If you don’t even try, then what’s the point of expecting better things? Everyone in this world has heartaches and a fair share of rejections. I’m sure that movie stars and pop stars have also had these in their life times but at the end of the day, you just need to keep your head up and stay motivated for better things and you will reap productive results.

Remember, failure is a symptom of success. Best of luck with the ladies out there, men!

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Have you been suffering from these things?В Talk to me in the comments below!

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