Scientists say children inherit their intelligence from their mothers

Research shows that a mother’s genes determine how smart her kids are, and the dad doesn’t matter.

Because men only have one X chromosome and women have two, women are more likely to pass on intelligence genes to their kids.

In addition, scientists now think father-inherited genes could be automatically deactivated.

Some genes work only if inherited from the mother, but some work only if inherited from the father. Intelligence is one of the conditioned genes that comes from the mother.

In lab studies, mice with different maternal genes grew more oversized heads and brains but had smaller bodies. With extra paternal genes, they had bigger bodies and smaller brains.

Researchers found that there were cells in six parts of the mouse brains that had only maternal or paternal genes, which controlled different cognitive functions, from eating habits to memory.

A part of the limbic system that affects functions like sex, food, and aggression, accumulates cells with paternal genes. There were no paternal cells in the cerebral cortex, where the most advanced cognitive functions happen, like reasoning, language, and planning.

Because people aren’t like mice, scientists in Glasgow looked at intelligence from a human perspective. In interviews with 12,686 teenagers between the ages of 14 and 22, the theories extrapolated from mice studies were true. 

The researchers considered several factors, including the participants’ education, race, and socio-economic status. However, they still found that the IQ of the mother was the best predictor of intelligence.

Scientists at the University of Washington found that bonding between a mother and child helps develop certain brain parts. 

Studying mothers for seven years, researchers found that children whose emotional and intellectual needs were met had a 10 percent larger hippocampus at 13 on average than children whose mothers were emotionally distant. In the brain, the hippocampus controls memory, learning, and stress.

A strong bond with mom is thought to give kids confidence to solve problems and a sense of security. Additionally, devoted and attentive mothers tend to help their children solve problems, further helping them reach their potential.

Dads can play just as significant a nurturing role as moms, sure. Scientists point out that a range of other traits – like intuition and emotional intelligence – can be inherited from the father, so fathers don’t despair.


The findings of this and other studies on intelligence will be evaluated and scrutinized for a long time. There will never be a scientific study that proves the development of intelligence that everyone accepts.

There is one conclusion, though: moms have a lot of influence on their kids” cognitive abilities.

It’s’ not just genetics either, far from it. For a child to grow intellectually, they need nourishment and nurturing – two responsibilities mainly dealt with by the mother. A mother’s special bond also makes it easier for them to discover the world and solve problems.

In conclusion, women have a much more significant role in kids’ intellectual development than genetics can explain. In any case, these and other studies seem to back up the idea that our mothers give us our brains.

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