Signs Of Seasonal Depression Symptoms and Ways To Combat Them

The weather change in the months of October and November brings gloominess in the atmosphere. We long for a warm sunshine and feel lethargic to get up and do anything. For some people this change is more than a mood drop. They feel depressed throughout the season, which greatly affects their daily life routine.

Lethargy, gloominess, feeling low and depression; these all start with the first chill in the air. The arrival of cold weather results in a seasonal mood disorder known as SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. The symptoms usually begin with the fall and last till the arrival of spring. SAD has almost the same as the symptoms of depression. The only difference is that SAD is just seasonal and all the symptoms will last only till the end of Winters.

Some of the most common symptoms that people face during Seasonal Affective Disorder include:

  • Lethargy
  • Drop in mood
  • Depression that lasts all day long
  • Craving for sunlight
  • Difficulty focusing on things
  • Loss of interest in daily activities
  • Low energy levels
  • Desire to stay alone for most of the time
  • Cravings for Carbohydrate enriched foods
  • Decreased libido
  • Oversleeping
  • Irritability
  • Increased anxietyВ 

How To Combat Your SAD Symptoms

You need to assess yourself on these symptoms. If you feel like you are suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, you must consult a mental health professional. Meanwhile there are a number of ways to combat these symptoms:

1. Maintain A Sleep Pattern

Try to develop a healthy sleeping schedule and then stick to it. SAD mainly affects your sleeping pattern which eventually disturbs everything: your diet, mood, health, socialising etc. So try to curb the urge of sleeping all day long.

2. Energy Boosting Diet

You energy levels are too low during SAD. You need to include energy boosting foods in your diet. But you need to be watchful about your calorie intake. Take fresh vegetables and fruits along with nuts, they will keep you energised and fresh.

3. Increase Your Outdoor Time

People suffering from SAD want to stay in the bed all day long. They don’t feel the desire to go out of their room. But you need to go out and spend time in fresh air. Spending more time outside in natural environment can greatly help you in overcoming the symptoms of SAD.

4. Medication

For some people, a seasonal dosage of mild antidepressants is required to get over that depression mode. You can taper off your medication with the arrival of spring. However, expert advice from a psychiatrist is required before taking any medication.

5. Light Therapy

Mainly the lack of sunlight results in SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder. You must drag yourself outside to get sunlight on sunny days. Light therapy is considered as a very effective remedy for treating SAD symptoms. In addition to sunlight (which is very rare in winters), you can use light boxes, special lamps, visors and many such devices that can generate good light as compensation to sunlight. Make sure you get good quality light devices and stick to the dosage guidelines for best results.

6. Plan A Vacation

Plan a vacation to a warm region during winters. Such vacations are always a good idea especially for people suffering from SAD. These vacations can be taken as a therapy. Sunny climate of the vacation zone will give you a break from the long winters. So for treating SAD and to lessen its impacts, a vacation plan is an ideal solution.

Talk To Us

  • Are you feeling down with any of these symptoms?
  • Have you tried our suggested tips to alleviate your SAD signs? Did you find these tips useful?
  • Share with us your experiences in the comments section below.

As always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!

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