15 Signs Your Partner Wants To Cheat

Being in a relationship is not all fun and games and not everyone gets lucky to find true love on the first attempt. More often than not, you have to deal with heartbreaks and deception and believe it or not everybody gets to experience a difficult partner at least once in their life. Cheating has become a status symbol these days. A person is not considered cool until he or she is dating at least 3 different partners at the same time. Here are a few signs that will help you figure out if your partner wants to cheat on you:

1. The disappearance:

They disappear often without letting you know about it. One day, you are all happy and comfortable with each other and the next morning they are gone. It is not like they cannot have their freedom or hang out with other people, but you will know your partner vanishes in thin air without even having an obvious reason. They would be unreachable for hours or even days and when they come back and you confront them, he/she will make the lamest excuse that you will not even understand. The worst part is that they will act as nothing happened and would be least concerned about your apprehension.

2. Checking the phone too often:

You will find them checking their phone way too much than before. They will even avoid picking up calls in front of you and will change the passwords too often. He or she will get defensive if you will take their phone from them and the typical parade of you don’t trust me enough to leave my phone alone will prevail. This is a classic sign of a person who either wants to cheat or is already cheating on their partner with someone else. You know about their social circle and you have never seen them texting so much before so it is worth noticing.

3. They come home angry and irritated

He or she steps into the house and everything seems irritating to them. Even the sight of you waiting for them does not invigorate any feelings of affection towards you. It seems like they just want to go back to where they came from or run away from this home and you because they hate it all. Just coming home angry, if not work-related, is not OK. It could also indicate that they are doing something they shouldn’t and to provide a distraction, he or she lashes out in anger so as to throw you off track.

4. Spending too much time in the bathroom:

No no, it’s not what you think. They spend too much in the bathroom because they want to be alone and they can’t go out every 10 minutes to be away from you. Spending too much time brushing the teeth or taking really long baths to indicate that they want to stay away from you for as long as possible without making it seem too obvious. If they are already cheating on you then he or she will take long frequent showers to remove any unrecognizable scent. This is also a way of feeling less guilty about their actions as water is a cleansing agent and it might wash away their sins.

5. They try their best to avoid meaningful conversations:

You start getting the silent treatment. They are not concerned about the future anymore and every time you want to have a conversation that is related to you two, they try their best to either divert it or completely ignore it. He or she does not want to talk much about anything anymore and you find them silent more often than before. The thing is that they do not want to share too much with you because sharing brings two people closer and they do not want that to happen now. All they want is you to leave them alone and not ask about things that he or she is not ready to answer because they will not in any case.

6. Sleeping earlier than before:

They start sleeping way earlier than before. One reason is to avoid having sex and the other is to have a good, long conversation because they do not want both to happen. Yes, getting free sex is a win-win but they are too guilty to take advantage. If he or she is already interested in someone else then they would not want to do anything with you that might give you the idea that your relationship is getting strengthened up. It is a natural phenomenon that couples become closer at night when there is intimacy and no worries about the work or people. So he or she will fall asleep way before their usual time to avoid getting close to you.

7. There are frequent fights over the slightest provocation

Where the used to be so calm and understanding before, there they fight on the minutest provocation. He or she really does need a solid reason to argue with you because they feel so irritated by your presence already that it is enough to trigger the rudeness. He or she literally does not care about what they say when they are angry and regard for your feelings is lost once they start talking about their mind.

8. They start partying too much:

The sober, serious boyfriend/girlfriend of yours turns into a party freak. Before you had to force them to go to clubs with you on the weekend and now they come home drunk every other night. He/she likes to party a lot because they find and meet new and exotic people that way and has the most obvious source to cheat on you. They do not care about what you would think because as long as they are away from you and are surrounded by drunk guys and girls, life is all good for them. This way when others see them living the life of the perfect single guy/girl, why wouldn’t they hit on them?

9. The idea of a threesome is born:

What a taboo in your relationship was before becomes an adventure to try now. They often talk about a third partner for a wild night. They keep insisting on thinking out of the box and ask you to consider it because this is the safest and most reliable way of cheating. You will be giving them permission to cheat on you with someone else and the worst part is that you will even be a very significant participant in it. He or she does not need to go behind your back because they can do it all right in front of you this way.

10. The affection fades away:

He/she gets ruthless at times. Sometimes all you need from your partner is kindness and affection. If they stop being affectionate, know that there is something big going on along with you in their life. If they can see you get hurt without feeling the slightest empathy then they clearly do not care about you anymore. Gentleness is very important in a relationship and if they cannot be gentle to your feelings then it is a clear sign that he or she is into someone who is making them ruthless towards you.

11. They stop praising you:

No matter how hard you try at making yourself perfect for your partner, he/she will not praise you. Gone are the times when they used to spoil you with all the necessary perks. They do not even notice if you look different or get a haircut or lose weight. They are least bothered by your appearance now and the fact that you are doing all that just for them is unimportant to him/her. He or she does not want to give you any reason to hold on to them and they know that if they keep on ignoring these things you will eventually get tired and dump them. He/she wants to make sure that everything is convenient for them and they do not get to be blamed for leaving you in the end.

12. He checks out other girls in front of you:

He does not care that you are present with him when he checks out other girls. It is true that almost every guy checks out girls even when they are in a relationship but that usually does not mean anything and is a mere habit. But if he checks others out right in front of you then it is obvious that he wants you to notice and make a fuss out of it giving him more reasons to leave you for someone else. He does not care if you feel bad when he looks at other girls who might be prettier than you because to him you should be the most beautiful girl in the world.

13. They flirt even when you are around:

Checking out is in the nature of every man but flirting is a bit extreme on both sides if you are already committed. Should they start hollering at girls in plain daylight while you’re next to him/her as though you’re not there, your partner is already on the prowl and there could be no reigning them in. It is best to leave them alone and do their thing because if he or she does it when you are with them then you will feel disrespected and where there is no respect there is no love. Just let them go and know that you deserve much better and more than this.

14. They come home too happy:

Even this can be dangerous because if he/she is usually bored in your company but comes home all happy and amused then it is possible that they are enjoying someone else’s company now. They stay quiet around you, sleep early at night, and fight with you but every day when they come home they are too happy for words then if you do not understand what is going on, then you have a very thick skull. Being in a relationship requires attention from both sides, maybe you are not attentive enough to cater to all their needs so start noticing before you lose your partner.

15. They find new hobbies:

Do not forget that couples try new things together and if your partner has a bunch of hobbies that do not include you then he/she has already decided to cheat on you. If they want to go to new places without you and meet new people who do not include you then, of course, they are looking for a way out and want to find someone else or already have found someone new that you should definitely not know about. Just remember that this is the 21st century and you are not some damsel in distress who cannot figure out stuff and fight for your right.

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