Someday, You Will Find Someone Who Will Love You For Who You Are

Do not worry about it. I know that you’re tired. I know that you’re so sick of all the disappointment and heartache. I know that you’re so fed up with all the terrible dating experiences that you have been through already. You have dated so many guys who didn’t accept and cherish you the way that you deserve to be cherished. They didn’t really love you for who you were. And that made you feel miserable. That fed into your self-doubt.

These were men who forced you to become their romanticized versions of you in their own heads. They forced you to fundamentally change who you were just so you could fit into the mold that they wanted you to be. These were men who were so quick to point out your biggest flaws and imperfections. These were men who weren’t shy about feeding into your insecurities. They laughed at you and made you feel bad about the choices that you made.

These were men who failed to see your many good qualities. These were men who were too dumb, blind, and distracted to see that you were a person of genuine character. You exuded strength. You had a beautiful soul. They failed to recognize all of these aspects of your personality.

And even though you’ve been heartbroken so many times in the past, you need not to be sad. You don’t have to despair. The truth is that even though you haven’t had much luck in the past, one day, you’re going to meet a man who is going to love and cherish you the way that you deserve. One day, you’re going to meet a man who will love you the way that you have always wanted to be loved.

One day, you will meet a guy who will be brave enough to love you in all the ways that all the other boys were too afraid to do so themselves.

You wouldn’t have to ask yourself whether it would be okay for you to text him just because you’re scared if he’ll be annoyed at you. You won’t be shy about asking him for his advice on something that is bothering you. You won’t be afraid to approach him about anything and everything under the sun.

He won’t be the type of guy who will make you feel bad for being sensitive or needy. He won’t make you feel bad for wanting to spend time with him. He isn’t going to make you feel like he’s second-guessing the idea of being with you. He won’t make you feel like he is doubting your every move. He isn’t going to be making you feel bad about being your true and genuine self.

He isn’t going to just automatically dismiss or invalidate your thoughts and feelings. He isn’t going to just make fun of you for your opinions. He isn’t going to question your actions. With this man, you can be your truest self and he won’t really make you feel bad about it.

This guy is going to see you for everything that you are and he will make you feel understood and appreciated. He isn’t going to make you feel like he disregards you or thinks lowly of you. He is always going to express a genuine interest in your thoughts and opinions. He is really going to delve deep into the stuff that you’re most interested in. He will definitely want to get to know more about your passions.

He does this because he is totally obsessed with being able to connect with you in a very deep and intimate manner. He does this because he wants to be able to really bond with you in ways that he wouldn’t typically do with other people. He will really want to dig deep into what makes you who you are. He is going to want to climb into your skin and find out everything about you.

He will familiarize himself with even the parts of yourself that you typically hate. He will get to know about your annoying habits, fears, insecurities, quirks, and everything negative about you. But he won’t make you feel judged because of them. He won’t criticize you. He won’t make you feel bad. He is going to love you. He’s going to strengthen his love for you.

One day, you’re going to find a man who isn’t going to make you feel like you have to be competing with other women. He isn’t going to pressure you into stepping your game up out of fear that he’s going to leave you. He isn’t going to induce anxiety and stress in your life. He isn’t going to be fueling your fears and insecurities.

One day, you’re going to meet the guy who will make you feel like you are the whole world to him – and that’s when you will know what it means to find happiness in another person.

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