Someday You’re Going To Fall In Love With Someone Who Makes You Feel Like You’re Home

Someday, you are going to fall in love with a person who is going to be different from all the rest. 

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with a person who you will want to wake up every single morning with. This is a person whose face you will want to see the moment you wake up. This is a person you will want to go home to every single night. This is a person who you will look forward to seeing after a long day of trying to get through life. This is a person who is going to alleviate all of your stress with just a simple smile and hug. 

Someday, you are going to fall in love with a person who is going to be different from all the rest. You’re going to meet someone who is going to make you believe that patience really is a virtue, and that all your life, you were really just waiting for this person. This is the person who is going to make you see the world as it really is. Someday, you are going to meet someone who is going to expose you to all the beautiful parts of the world that once eluded you. This is the person who is going to make you feel comfortable with being just yourself; like you don’t have to be fake in order to please the people around you. 

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who look you straight into your eyes without feeling unnatural or uncomfortable; without feeling awkward or weird. This is a person who is always going to tell whenever you’re being dishonest because this person will know you better than you know yourself. Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who will be able to complete your thoughts and your sentences. You’re going to meet a person whose personality is going to complement yours well; and your relationship will almost seem completely effortless. 

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who is going to intimidate you on an emotional level. This person will have a connection with you that you just haven’t had with anyone else in your life. And even though this will be an entirely new and intimidating experience for you, it’s going to be one that you will embrace wholeheartedly because you know that it’s going to be good for you. This person is going to make you feel completely comfortable with opening yourself up even if it means that you’re making yourself weaker and more vulnerable. And the best part is, this person is going to open up to you to. This person is going to make you really understand what it means to place your trust in another person without hesitation.

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who is going to make you want to be candid and frank about all your hopes and dreams. This person is going to make you feel comfortable with expressing your heart’s deepest desires no matter how silly they may seem to other people. This person is going to push you towards all of your goals without ridiculing you or holding you back. You’re going to fall in love with someone who will make you want to be honest about all of your deepest pains and heartaches. This person will want to hear about all of the disappointments and fears that continue to plague your life. This person is going to love you entirely with all of the good, the bad, and everything in between. 

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who will make you feel okay with talking about your insecurities and shortcomings. This person is going to make you feel okay about being imperfect. This person is going to make you understand that it’s okay to be human and stumble a few times as you try to trek through life. Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who isn’t going to make you feel judged or insecure about all of your flaws. This person is going to give you the kind of strength that you’ve been searching for your whole life. 

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who will be able to break down any walls that you may have put up in the past in an effort to protect yourself. This person is going to make you feel safe and secure; as if you don’t have to try so hard to erect emotional walls anymore. This person is going to give you the courage and the bravery to confront your feelings and your emotions in a constructive manner like a mature adult.

Someday, you’re going to fall in love with someone who is going to make you feel comfortable in an uncomfortable and scary world. You’re going to fall in love with someone who is always going to make you feel like you’re home.

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