Sometimes, It’s Better To Be Alone Than Fake It

Being alone is not the end of the world. Being alone is not as bad as a lot of people tend to make it out to be. Being alone is not the worst thing that could ever happen to a person. Being alone shouldn’t even really be an issue at all. It’s a complete lie that a lot of people tend to perpetuate. There’s nothing wrong or sad about being alone; it only ever really becomes a problem if you allow yourself to feel lonely. You better believe that it’s a lot better to just be alone that it is to go out on terrible dates with people who don’t offer you any sense of depth or meaning.

It’s a whole lot better to be alone that it is to feel horrible about the fact that you’re spending so many nights with faceless men whose names you can barely even remember. It’s a lot better to be alone that it is to constantly jump from one meaningless relationship to the next; feeling a little more broken each and every time. Being alone is going to offer you the opportunity to really understand what it means to find comfort and meaning in your own life. Being alone is going to give you the chance to understand what it really means to fall in love with yourself; to complete yourself.

And there are very few things in the world that are more important than you being comfortable in your own skin. A lot of people get so pressured to be in relationships because they think that being alone is the worst possible experience they could ever go through as human beings. They don’t understand that someone is just as likely to feel terrible and hopeless in a relationship as one would be on their own. Being in a relationship doesn’t automatically guarantee happiness in the same way that being alone doesn’t automatically guarantee loneliness.

It’s really all about what you make of your situation that matters. It’s all about your mindset and your philosophy. It’s about how you make use of your time. It’s much better for you to be alone than to be with someone who says all the right things but never follows up on any of them. It’s much better for you to be alone than to be with a person who considers it a burden to be catering to your needs and expectations. It’s much better for you to be alone that to be with someone who is going to come up with a long list of excuses every time they screw up; and they end up sounding like a broken record because they screw up way too often.

It’s much better for you to be alone than to be with someone who doesn’t really see the value in spending time with you. A relationship is only ever really worth it if you’re with someone who isn’t shy about being with you; with someone who isn’t ashamed of expressing their love and affection for you. The only acceptable kind of relationship is one where you feel like you aren’t standing on an island all by yourself; because you deserve a partner who is always going to be there for you regardless if you ask them to be or not. This is a fake relationship; one that gives you false hopes.

This is one that lulls you into a false sense of security and then it breaks you in half when your time runs out. You should never have to settle for a relationship that makes you feel as lonely as you would when you’re single. That’s not a real relationship. That’s not real love. And it’s much better for you to be on your own than to be with someone who doesn’t love you in the way that you truly deserve to be loved. It’s much better for you to be alone than to be in a relationship with someone who tries to control and manipulate you; someone who says all the right things just to get you to trust him,

and then immediately stabs you in the back when you are at your most vulnerable. It’s much better for you to be alone than to be with an immature guy who doesn’t understand the effort and dedication that it takes to make a relationship work. You don’t have to succumb to the ignorant public clamor –  the one that says your life is meaningless if you’re not in a relationship. There is no truth to that. It’s always a much better choice to just stay patient; to not force things when it’s not meant to be. If you’re meant to be alone at this time, then take it. Make the most of it. Love is going to come to you when it’s ready to do so. And until then, find comfort in being alone.

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