The 10 Secret Things That Can Make Men Crazy About You

Here are some secret things that can make men go head-over-heels crazy for you.

Every man will always carry an individuality that they alone can own up to and that no one else can take. While no two men can ever be the same person, there are some universalities that are present among all men. There are common traits and preferences that exist among the male culture and in particular, their preferences when it comes to the ladies. Attraction is such an abstract and complicated subject, but it doesn’t mean we can’t recognize it when it’s there.

There just some general principles that direct attraction between men and women, and these are some trends that we’ve found to make men absolutely crazy about their ladies. Here are some secret things that can make men go head-over-heels crazy for you:

1. Passion

There are few things more attractive than a girl who is passionate about something. Whether it be for an advocacy, her career, a piece of art, or about another person, a passionate woman is someone who exudes zeal and resilience. Men like seeing women who are passionate and driven about various things because they realize they now have a chance to be at the receiving end of such passion.

2. Interest in Sports and Fitness

If you know your way around traditional man-talk of football or fitness regimens, then yes, that’s a big turn-on for guys. It shows that you take a genuine interest in their own interests as well, and that you’re also mature enough to take care of your body by keeping feet. An interest in these things will also contribute to your list of conversation topics. Drive him absolutely crazy with a dose of locker room talk.

3. Cooking Skills

We all know the clich of a woman getting to a man’s heart through his stomach. It’s a clich because it’s so true. Men will rejoice at the thought of a woman who knows her way around the kitchen and is able to make gourmet meals right at home. Some kitchen know-how will go a long way for women. There are few things that men find sexier than a lady in an apron making breakfast for them after a night together in bed.

4. Yoga Pants

Yoga pants can drive a man’s animal fantasy through the roof. They do just enough to accentuate a woman’s curves and assets without revealing too much. It also gives of the impression that a woman is health-conscious and practices yoga often (even when that really isn’t the case)

5. Eyeglasses

Sure, you may have been teased about your eyeglasses when you were a kid. Your deficiencies in optical function were put on full display for everyone to see and you were called four-eyes back in grade school. You’ve also endured the struggles of having your eyeglasses lost or broken at certain points leaving you practically blind. Here’s some consolation: Men find you so much more attractive with glasses. Some characteristics that are associated with eyeglasses involve intelligence, dependability, and humility. Since eyes are a window to the soul, consider your glasses an extra pair of windows that only add to your value.

6. Perfume

Yes, ladies. Perfume works. When men get subtle whiffs of your seductive aroma, it has the potential to make him fall head over heels for you. These aromas arouse something inside a man’s brain that directly contribute to attraction and attachment. It also lets men know that you care about your grooming and how you conduct yourself whenever you find yourself in public.

7. Eye Contact

A woman who maintains eye contact is someone who is confident in who she is, how she looks, and what she says. Confidence always finds its way into a man’s heart. Also, the eyes will probably be one of the most seductive parts of any woman’s body, so make the most out of it.

8. Wit

A witty woman is someone who can think on her feet and knows the right thing to say at the right time. Every man can easily fall for someone who can maintain the brightness in a room with the sharpness of her mind and the eloquence of her mouth. Your wit is your ally when you’re trying to win over the heart of any man, don’t let that gift go to waste.

9. Intelligence

Intelligence may not necessarily win your man at the start, but in the depths of a long-term relationship, intelligence can go a long way in keeping the passion burning. A man loves an intelligent woman who he can rely on to be there for him when he needs it. Put your intelligence on full display every time you’re with him and watch him fall for you over and over again.

10. Spontaneity

An adventurous woman is a fun woman, and men never want to be bored with their relationships. They are attracted to girls who know how to keep things fresh and lively. They want someone who is willing to try new activities and go on adventures with them. They like women who aren’t so tightly wound and know how to have fun every so often.

Men, Talk to me

Do you agree with this list? Let me know in the comments down below!


  1. Yes I absolutely agree with those list. I actually have most of those traits in my nature that relates in every step of the way. Be it in actions & in conversations reveals myself & I realize appreciative of these good qualitues. I enjoyed reading this post, thanks. 🥰

    1. I agree that BOTH men & women should be passionate equally. Some men only think they should receive & not give. It takes two to tango guys. So, get with the program!

  2. I guess I don’t agree with a few other things. Cooking: I think both should cook together. It’s a great way to know each other better. I get the Yoga pants, but doesn’t leave much to the imagination now does it?. Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I am a hopeless romantic & now, for me, it’s not there. Never really was a two way street. Does one (not me, I have a plan) give up & move on? Opinions…

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