9. Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)
You’re very unhappy at the moment because you’re not living the life that you want for yourself. You’re not living up to the expectations that you set for yourself. Instead, you have grown content with living a life that you think other people would be more accepting of. And while you do end up pleasing the people around you, you just make yourself unhappier in the process.
10. Capricorn (December 22 January 20)
The main reason why you’re unhappy right now is that you are doing more thinking than doing. At the moment, there are so many ideas that are brewing in your head, but you don’t really act on them. And as a result, your visions are merely dreams because you’re refusing to take action.
11. Aquarius (January 21 February 18)
You’re unhappy because the constant condescension that you’re forced to deal with in your everyday life. You know that you are a very smart person and that you are very good at forming independent thoughts for yourself. But the way that you live life now, you answer to so many people who just make you feel like you are less of a person than you are. You are following orders instead of giving them and it’s driving you crazy.
12. Pisces (February 19 March 20)
As a Pisces, you are a dreamer. You are always living in your fantasy land. You are always thinking of all the things that are yet to happen in your life. And as a result, you don’t really learn to appreciate where you at or what you have at a given moment. You are never satisfied. And your constant dissatisfaction is what is triggering your perpetual unhappiness.
Talk to me
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