The man that you’re going to marry is going to be your whole life and you wouldn’t want it any other way.
The man that you’re going to date isn’t really going to commit to you for life. He’s going to tell you that he’s just afraid of commitment in general when the truth is he just doesn’t want to commit to you.
The man that you’re going to marry is someone is going to know from the first time he lays eyes on you that you are the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with. And he won’t be afraid to admit that to anyone.
The man that you’re going to date is going to be afraid to discuss the future of the relationship. He won’t be willing to give you any clear ideas as to what your future as a couple is going to look like. He is going to be perfectly content with just living in the present.
The man that you’re going to marry can’t wait to start a future with you. He is going to be open to the idea of discussing future plans with you. He is going to want to talk about everything that revolves around your relationship. He is the one who is willing to plan for future trips, parties, and vacations with you.
The man that you’re going to date is going to try to test you a lot. He will be willing to put you through a series of social experiments just to see how much you’re willing to bend for him. He will treat you like some sort of science project.
The man that you’re going to marry is never going to make you run circles for this relationship. He is going to hold your hand and tell you that you’re in this thing together. He is going to be willing to make compromises just to make you happy.
The man that you’re going to date doesn’t really care much about listening to you when you talk about your life goals. He isn’t going to be interested in anything that you might be passionate about because he’s too busy thinking about what he wants to achieve in life.
The man that you’re going to marry is going to push you towards everything that you want to achieve in life. He is going to do his best to encourage you and motivate you to go after all of your goals and dreams. He is going to inspire you to want to be the best possible version of yourself. He is going to make it seem like your success is his success as well.
The man that you’re going to date is definitely going to have lots of confidence. He is someone whose self-esteem is just overflowing. He knows that there are plenty of things about him to like and he uses this knowledge to his advantage a lot.
The man that you’re going to marry might not be the most confident guy out there, but he makes it a point to always make sure that you are confident in him. He wants to be the kind of guy that you can actually rely on. He always wants to be the man you can really believe in. He wants you to be able to trust him with whatever.
The guy that you’re going to date is going to go out drinking and partying a lot. He won’t find too much joy or fun in spending intimate nights alone with you. He wants to be surrounded by a lot of people and he always wants to be turning things up.
The guy that you’re going to marry is going to be perfectly fine with just spending time with you regardless of where you are or what you’re doing. His idea of fun is just sitting with you while you talk about anything under the sun. He is going to find lots of fulfilment in being able to connect with you on an intimate level.
The guy that you’re going to date isn’t necessarily going to be a lot of fun to talk to. He is just going to be focusing on himself a lot and he’s going to want to talk about the things that only he’s interested in.
The guy that you’re going to marry is going to make conversations fun because he’s actually interested in whatever it is you have to say. He is really going to make an effort to listen to you. He is going to be inquisitive and he’s going to ask a lot of questions about you, your passions, and your interests.
The guy that you’re going to date is going to fight you for no reason at all other than to make you feel bad. He is always looking to start up some drama just so he can make you feel guilty and sad.
The man that you’re going to marry isn’t going to want to fight with you for nothing; but if you do have fights, he is always going to make sure that you work through them in a constructive and mature manner.
The guy that you’re going to date is fun to be with, and he’s going to teach you some very valuable lessons in life.
But the man that you’re going to marry is going to be your whole life and you wouldn’t want it any other way.