The Kind of Person You Should Be With According To Your Zodiac Sign

There will always be this one type of guy or girl who we are attracted to more than anyone else; there is something catchy about their personality that only we are able to see. It is naturally justifiable to find a certain kind of personality attractive and that is the personality we should be with. Astrology tells us, according to our star signs, about the kind of personalities we crave. To help yourself find a better partner, you need to know the kind of personality you deserve to be with.

Find your zodiac sign here and educate yourself about what you really need in a partner.

1. Aries (March 21-April 19):

As an Aries person, you must like to be your own boss. You dominate people and if not,В then you seek equality in relationships. You are an independent person, if not financially yet then mentally. There is no controlling you for matters small or big and you make it clear to people around you by taking control of things. The kind of person you should really be with is someone who complements this independent nature of yours and understands your need of being by yourself. We all need some support and encouragement, yes, but absolute dependency on someone is not your type.

When looking for a partner, make sure that he or she has a mind open enough to comprehend your unique needs and help you implement them later on in life. You deserve to be with someone with the same point of view.В You can also read our very famous articles on how to love an Aries and how you should be loved.

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20):

If you can make a Taurus feel special, you can get their attention and their heart. The ultimate priority of a Taurus when finding someone to date is the feeling of being special. They are fresh and active people themselves who like to be reminded time and again that their presence in the world or in someone’s world, at least, makes a considerable difference. They don’t let negative vibes stay around them for long so a mature and loving partner is what they should look for.

If you are a Taurus, you will know that it is a little difficult for people to get your attention but once they do, you are all for them. Somebody who knows this fact and is willing to try hard to get your attention is who you should really be with. You should not settle for anything lesser. You can also read our another piece on 7 things that make Taurus the most romantic partner ever.

3. Gemini (May 21-June 20):

Gemini people are free, wandering spirits who only like to be caged when the cage interests them and has ears. In short, a Gemini is not someone you can mess up with and get away because they will not give you the chance to do that. They might make mistakes but they try their best to be with people who are good at listening to them and keep the conversation going no matter what. They crave genuine, unmatched interest in what they have to say in order to feel good and special.

Romantic gestures really get to them and so do adventurous ones. They are all about life, love and goals. If you are a Gemini yourself, who you should really be with is someone who matches your enthusiasm when it comes to living life and loving it. Also read our separate article for Geminies: 5 Easy Ways to Love a Gemini.

4. Cancer (June 21-July 22):

Cancers are people one can completely depend on without having a care in the world because they are men/women of their word; you cannot find a Cancer who is not loyal. Loyalty runs in their veins like blood and they owe up to it. Although you do take time, as a Cancer, to trust another person but when you do, you give them your loyalty and devotion and try your best to keep it that way. Being a Cancer, you get attached to people because of your sensitive nature, therefore you should be someone who understands this fact and never, ever tries to break your heart. Make sure someone should know how to love a Cancer.

More than anything else, you should be with someone who gets your concept of sticking to one person for all your life and how you hold love sacred. You should not be around people who play with love and people’s feelings like they are toys. Also read 10 things you need to know about a Cancerian woman.

5. Leo (July 23-August 22):

For Leos, everything has to be on point. They are not only egoists but also perfectionists. They have an admirable level of confidence which makes them so sure about everything in life. Leos should be someone who does not find their level of confidence cocky and understands that they mean no harm to anyone. They can be soft too when it is time and are great believers of peace.

Moreover, Leos feed on admiration and attention; it is their fuel. It will be a disaster for them to be with someone who does not think highly of them; average does not work for Leos. As a Leo, the right kind of person you should be with ought to be your fan in addition to being your friend and lover; he or she has to be appreciative of your choices. Here are some qualities of Leo women and how you should treat them the right way.

6. Virgo (August 23-September 22):

Virgos should be with people who are exactly like them: confident, quiet, analytical, intelligent and mature. A slight bit of change in disposition would do no harm but it is important that a Virgo’s partner gets the Virgo’s nature and can relate to it to some extent. The reason behind this is that Virgos don’t open up quickly and it takes a person with an insight and great understanding to make a conversation interesting for Virgo.

Everything has to be logical for Virgos and everything has to make sense; someone who meaninglessly fools around in life with no aims would be no match for Virgo. If you are this star sign, you should really be with someone who complements your complicated nature and is ready to keep up with in thick and thin.Here are 13 things that you should know about loving a Virgo.

7. Libra (September 23-October 22):

Libra can be said to be another word for grace. Whatever they do in life drips of grace; they try their best to stay away from all kinds of fuss and complications. They are the people who like to keep it simple; their lives are like straight roads where they pay no heed to the mountains and stones resting on roadsides. A Libra should be with a person who can join them in the journey on the straight road and is willing to jump over any stones that come by. Their philosophy of life is simple and once someone has understood it and promises to abide by it, a Libra wants nothing else. Greed is a word non-existent in their dictionary of sins and morals.

In order to be with a Libra, one has to be classy and has to have some standards because a Libra does not like trashy personalities.В Also read Why are Libras considered as the best long term partners

8. Scorpio (October 23-November 21):

Scorpio’s game is the simplest of all. They are moody but passionate; everything they do either has their full attention or no attention at all. If there was only word to describe Scorpios, the word passionate would suffice. Likewise, Scorpios should be people who are equally passionate and do not leave tasks and commitments in between. Since they are passionate about everything, their love is of the same kind. Scorpios get jealous too often and cannot bear the sight of their partners drifting away. It needs one very convincing man or woman to make them believe that they are not going anywhere, ever.

If you are a Scorpio, you should be with someone who is completely, wholly yours. He or she has to be passionately in love with you just the way you want, so that your kind of passionate love is reciprocated.В If you’re planning on dating a Scorpio thenВ you should know theВ 15 Brutally Honest things about Scorpios.

9. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21):

Two things you need to know about a Sagittarius: They are adventurous and they are independent. These two traits shape their lives. Their independent nature makes them avoid commitment for most of their lives; they rarely commit to one person but when they do, they make sure they stick to it till death. What they need from their partner is the same thing: to be promisingly truthful and committed but, at the same time, give them freedom and personal space.

It is a rare and worthy experience to be committed to a Sagittarius because of their moving-around nature. If you are a Sagittarius yourself, you should really find someone who does not think your freedom thirst weird and is up for taking the challenge of sticking by your side.В Also read,В 10 Ways to Love a Sagittarius.

10. Capricorn (December 22-January 19):

Capricorns are all about their aims and goals and need to be with someone who is supportive of them. A depreciating partner will ruin everything for them and they won’t be able to contain all the negative energy. They are straightforward people with a simple outlook on life. Good education, happy family and one ambition after another is their story; they should be someone who is willing to edit and publish this story of theirs.

Capricorns are mostly kind-hearted people with little to no evil in them. Someone with the same or slightly different lifestyle as them would be near to perfect. The idea of success for both the Capricorn and their partner needs to match to some extent.В Also read, 10 Things to Remember While Loving a Capricorn and if you are in a relationship with a Capricorn read, 10 ways to make a strong relationship with a Capricorn!

11. Aquarius (January 20-February 18):

Aquarius are people who are even more adventurous than Gemini and Sagittarius. They make their lives all about trying new things and fueling on adrenaline. It is as if there are springs attached to their bottoms; they just can’t sit quietly at one place.

Spontaneity and living in the moment are the two features anybody needs to know when talking to an Aquarius. Imagining a calm, plain life with an Aquarius would be the stupidest thing to do. Being an Aquarius, you should look for a partner who is ready to accompany you on your small and huge adventures without complaining, someone who would hold your hand on scary rides, through the jungle and anywhere life takes you.Also read, 9 Things to Adopt For a Healthy Relationship with an Aquarius.

12. Pisces (February 19-March 20):

They are the hopeless romantics who imagine love to be white horses, roses, evening on a mountain and walks on the beach. They are the kind of people who just can’t stop fantasizing. Although they do know how to cope with reality, they would love someone who is able to make their story into the perfect love story.

Pisces people are creative and imaginative. Therefore, being one yourself, you should really be with someone who replies to your creativity with their own creativity and does not agree to settle for an average life. You should be with someone who knows how to woo you and make you happy, someone who does not label your expectations as superficial and makes an effort to stand up to them because you deserve it. Also read, 10 things you need to know about Loving a Pisces.

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