The Most Valuable Lesson You Needed To Learn From 2017 Based On Your Zodiac Sign

What’s the biggest lesson of 2017?

Aries (March 21 April 19)

This is the year where you really needed to learn the value of just taking that leap of faith. Throughout your life as an Aries, you have always stuck to the plan. You have always wanted to play it safe in all aspects of your life. But this year, you needed to understand that the key to genuine success revolves around being able to take key risks every now and then.

Taurus (April 20 May 21)

This is the year where you really needed to embrace change. As a Taurus, you have a tendency to be quite set in your ways. You are always allergic to change. You are reluctant to participate in anything new. But this year, you needed to grow to learn that new doesn’t always mean bad.

Gemini (May 22 June 21)

Given that you are a Gemini, you always try your best to be a friend to all. You always tried to adapt your character and your personality to cater to the needs of the people around you. But this year, you really needed to learn how to be more selective of the company you keep. You needed to learn how to weed out your friends and be a better judge of the people you surround yourself with.

Cancer (June 22 July 22)

This was the year where you really needed to learn to develop your running pace in life. As a Cancer, you have always been hesitant. You never liked to put yourself in a position of discomfort. But that also means that you never put yourself in a position for substantial growth. You were always slow and cautious with your paces. But this year, you needed to learn how to sprint.

Leo (July 23 August 22)

Let’s face it. 2016 was a huge blow to your ego as a Leo. But this year, you really needed to learn the importance of building yourself back up again. In 2017, as a Leo, you needed to learn to rely on yourself for a confidence boost and validation.

Virgo (August 23 September 22)

This year, you really needed to learn the importance of being able to let go. As a Virgo, you are known to be someone who constantly likes to be in control. You hate it whenever things don’t go according to plan. You are a stickler for planning and preparation, and when things go awry, you don’t know how to deal. But this year, you really needed to learn to let go of plans. You needed to learn to roll with the punches.

Libra (September 23 October 22)

This is the year where you really needed to take the time to focus on yourself. Throughout your whole life, you have always been so mindful of how the people around you are feeling. But in 2017, as a Libra, you needed to learn to be more reflective you needed to really look into yourself in order for you to figure out how you are going to go on in life.

Scorpio (October 23 November 22)

This was the year where you had to learn to confront your own feelings. As a Scorpio, you are so used to sweeping your emotions under a rug in the hopes that they eventually go away. In 2017, you needed to develop the courage to actually come to terms with how you really feel on the inside.

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)

This year, you really needed to learn how to let go of your grudges. You are always one who is known to just harbor hatred and ill feelings for prolonged periods of time. But as a Sagittarius, you have to know that all of that negative energy is just bogging you down and keeping you from really maximizing your potential to go after everything that you could possibly want in life.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20)

As a Capricorn, you really needed to use this year to just develop a clear perspective on life. You needed to learn to stop blinding yourself from the truth. You needed to be a better judge of people and situations so that you never end up being duped in the future.

Aquarius (January 21 February 18)

As an Aquarius, this is the year where you really needed to learn the value of trust. This was the year where you needed to understand that you aren’t Superman and that even Superman needed some help every once in a while. You were supposed to learn to let people in that being able to incorporate other people into your life was key to moving forward.

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

This was the year where you really needed to learn how to embrace your emotional nature. You have always been an emotional creature and you have let your feelings get the best of you plenty of times before. But this year, you needed to learn how to harness your emotional tendencies as a Pisces and turn it all into something productive. Passion can always be a great motivator and passion stems from emotions.

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