The Pros And Cons Of Marrying Each Zodiac Sign

We all have them. What are your pros and cons?

Aries (March 21 April 19)


You will never be bored with an Aries. They will always find a way to break whatever ruts you’re going to get into. They won’t allow for a monotonous relationship, and they are always trying their best to keep the flame of your romance alive.


They have tendencies to be quite demanding and bossy. They always want things to be done a certain way their way. They have little tolerance for opposing ideas, and they can be quite selfish at times. They are also a little self-absorbed, and they are the kinds of people who think that they could never be wrong about anything.В You can also read our very famous articles on how to love an AriesВ andВ how you should be loved.

Taurus (April 20 May 21)


A Taurus is known to be very goal-oriented and hardworking. They are ambitious creatures who have the will and determination to find success in life. They have high goals and dreams, and they will stop at nothing to achieve them. They also understand the value of embracing the everyday grind, and they will never complain about the struggles of life.


They are a little too serious for most people. A lot of times, their serious nature will make for very boring company. They lack animation and color in their lives because they are always focused on their own personal goals.В You can also read our another piece on 7 things that make Taurus the most romantic partner ever.

Gemini (May 22 June 21)


A Gemini is practically a wizard when it comes to conversing with other people. They are very witty and intelligent. They are the kinds of people who have seemingly limitless amounts of useless knowledge that they are willing to pass on to others.


They tend to get lost in their own thoughts and words a lot of the time. They are too caught up with what they’re saying, they might neglect their obligations to listen to you every once in a while.В Also read our separate article for Geminies:В 5 Easy Ways to Love a Gemini.В – Continue reading on the next page

Cancer (June 22 July 22)


Cancers might as well be doctors or nurses because they are just instinctive caregivers. They will always make their partners feel like they’re comfortable and cared for.


On the downside, Cancers tend to have very high expectations of their partners and their relationships. A lot of times, these high expectations can lead to disappointment and mild resentment.В Also read 10 things you need to know about a Cancerian woman.

Leo (July 23 August 22)


You will never be bored with a Leo; that’s for sure! They are just very entertaining to be around, and they are wickedly talented. They always manage to bring color into peoples’ dull lives.


Leos have a tendency to hog the spotlight. They know how skilled and talented they are, and they are always looking for recognition. They hate it when they are not considered the star attraction. They constantly feel the need to be the center of attention.В Here are some qualities of Leo women and how you should treat them the right way.В 

Virgo (August 23 September 22)


A Virgo is always going to be very mature, neat, and organized. They are the kinds of people who are never late on their taxes, and they always make sure to meet deadlines. They always have their finances in order because of their exceptional planning and discipline.


They have tendencies to be obsessively compulsive about being a neat freak. At times, it can get irritating to the people around them, but they have other redeeming factors.В Here are 13 things that you should know about loving a Virgo.В – Continue reading on the next page

Libra (September 23 October 22)


As a Libra, there is very little room to go wrong. They are very friendly, kind, smart, and eloquent. They are a joy to be around, and they always manage to make the people around them feel comfortable with their warmth and joy.


Other people will tend to be attracted to Libras, and so you might have trouble with keeping your Libra partner’s eyes locked exclusively to yours.В Also read Why are Libras considered as the best long term partners.

Scorpio (October 23 November 22)


When it comes to loyalty in a relationship, very few people do it better than a Scorpio. They are passionate lovers who understand what it means to commit to a relationship.


They are secretive creatures. They don’t like to open themselves up too much out of fear of getting hurt.В If you’re planning on dating a Scorpio thenВ you should know theВ 15 Brutally Honest things about Scorpios.

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)


If you have natural wanderlust, you would love being with a Sagittarius. They are always keeping their eyes out for any possible adventures you could have together. You will never stop growing and learning when you’re with a Sagittarius.


They get restless whenever they feel like they’ve been stuck in one place for too long. They hate the idea of domestication, and they always want to roam free.В Also read,В 10 Ways to Love a Sagittarius.В – Continue reading on the next page

Capricorn (December 22 January 20)


A Capricorn is known to be very hardworking and reliable. They are always trying to climb the ladder to success, and they will try their best to tag you along for the ride.


They can get very irritable because they set high expectations for the people around them. The standards by which they live are incredibly high, and they always expect other people to meet those standards as well.В 10 Things to Remember While Loving a Capricorn and if you are in a relationship with a Capricorn read, 10 ways to make a strong relationship with a Capricorn!

Aquarius (January 21 February 18)


An Aquarius is always going to be explorative. They are great partners to be with in bed because of their open-mindedness. They also have a natural curiosity about them that a lot of people can find endearing.


They have tendencies for immaturity. You can’t rely on them too much to handle adult problems because of their carelessness.В Also read,В 9 Things to Adopt For a Healthy Relationship with an Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 March 20)


These Pisces people will be some of the best listeners you could ever meet. They do a great job of making you feel at ease whenever you’re conversing with them. They are kind and sweet-hearted, and they always know how to respond to whatever you say.


They are also very fickle and dense people. They are the kinds of people who get walked on a lot because they are submissive and just naturally weak.В В Also read,В 10 things you need to know about Loving aВ Pisces.

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