Marriage isn’t a game.
1. Aries (March 21 April 19)
As an Aries woman, you really need to steer clear of the guy who has temper issues. Remember that you are a fiery and intense person already. And you won’t necessarily know how to play well with someone who is going to be just as intense as you are. You have a very short temper and things aren’t going to bode well if your partner is someone who is going to lash out at you as well.
2. Taurus (April 20 May 21)
Drama. That’s the one thing you hate the most in this world. And so you should do yourself a favor and avoid marrying a man who just constantly attracts drama into his life. You would never be able to take that for too long.
3. Gemini (May 22 June 21)
You are never going to be able to survive a long-term relationship with the shy and quiet guy. As a Gemini woman, you are notorious for being someone who gets bored all too easily. So you would never be able to sustain a relationship with a guy who can’t keep things interesting. You need to be with an animated man who is able to stimulate you on multiple levels.
4. Cancer (June 22 July 22)
You really shouldn’t marry a guy who is goal-oriented and career-obsessed. You have to remember that as a Cancer woman, you are as needy as they come. You constantly desire attention and affection. You are very insecure and you always want your man to be clinging at your side. A career-oriented guy isn’t going to be able to give you the attention that you need.
5. Leo (July 23 August 22)
Find yourself a guy who isn’t an alpha male. You are an alpha woman. You are a strong woman who is capable of great things. Your confidence levels are through the roof. You are always so used to being the dominant personality in a relationship. That’s why it makes sense for you to only marry men who are obedient and submissive. You can’t have a healthy relationship with a guy who will want to dominate you.
6. Virgo (August 23 September 22)
As a Virgo lady, you need to avoid being with a man without a plan. You can’t marry a guy who has no direction or ambition. You wouldn’t be happy being with someone who is content with a life of mediocrity.
7. Libra (September 23 October 22)
You can’t find happiness in a marriage with a man who is going to be afraid of falling in love with you. You can’t be with someone who is emotionally withholding. As a Libra, you are all for the magical flare and dramatics that come with love. And you don’t want to end up as the girl who is deprived of that magic just because you have a man who is too afraid to love.
8. Scorpio (October 23 November 22)
You have to make sure that you avoid marrying a guy who is forward and flirtatious. As a Scorpio lady, you already know that you are prone to getting territorial in a relationship. It’s so easy for you to get jealous and it wouldn’t be a good sigh if you find that your man is flirting with other women. So find yourself a man who isn’t going to be so forward and confident.
9. Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)
You won’t want to be a man who is going to pressure you into settling down when you’re not ready to do so. As a Sagittarius woman, freedom is important to you. You absolutely hate the feeling of being tied down or being made to feel like you can’t do your own thing. That’s why you should avoid marrying a guy who wants to keep your feet planted on the ground.
10. Capricorn (December 22 January 20)
You would never want to be in a marriage with a freeloading man. As a Capricorn, you are ambitious and driven. You understand the value of hard work. You don’t want to be in a relationship with anyone who thinks that they’re entitled to everything without having to work for it.
11. Aquarius (January 21 February 18)
You can’t settle for marrying the clingy and needy man. As an Aquarius, you value your individuality above all things. You would never want to be with someone who doesn’t give you the space and freedom to be your own person. You can’t handle a codependent relationship because that just isn’t your personality at all.
12. Pisces (February 19 March 20)
You need to be with a guy who is grounded and somewhat realistic. Remember that as a Pisces, you are an inherent dreamer and fantasy-addict. You are always living with your head up in the clouds. That’s why you can’t be with a man who just feeds your fantasies. You need to find yourself a man who grounds you in reality someone who keeps you from flying too high.
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