These Are The Zodiac Signs That You Are The Most Compatible With

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)

Given that you are an earth sign as well, you would definitely want something practical. You aren’t interested in flings or casual hookups. You would be best paired with Zodiac signs who would be ready to really commit to you and your relationship. That means you should get with the Taurus, Virgo, Pisces, and Cancer. Also read, 10 Things to Remember While Loving a Capricorn and if you are in a relationship with a Capricorn read, 10 ways to make a strong relationship with a Capricorn!

Aquarius (January 21 – February 18)

You have a very free spirit and an intellectual mind. You don’t really like to get bogged down or held back by anything. You want a relationship that gives you security but also freedom. That’s why it would be best that you pair yourself with a Gemini, Pisces, Leo, and a Libra. These are the Zodiac signs who would be able to meet your needs.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You are definitely an emotional sign and no one would have the audacity to refute that. And when it comes to love, you would really make it work with a fiery and passionate Scorpio. You would also find happy love with a similarly emotional Cancer as well. Also read, 10 things you need to know about Loving a Pisces.

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