5 Things That Happen When You Meet A Good Man After A Toxic Relationship

It can be a very exhilarating experience when you’re just meeting a really good guy after being in a relationship with a toxic individual. You’ve just weathered the storm of your toxic relationship. You have come out of it alive; albeit, scarred and damaged. You have been put through the ringer. You are currently feeling bent and broken. You are at your most vulnerable state and you’re still trying to recover. You’re still trying t muster up the courage that you need to give love another try.

You have just been through a kind of romantic whirlwind. Your romantic life has been a hurricane so far lately. And you’re still desperately trying to calm everything down. You want to establish a sense of consistency, stability, and reliability in your life. And you are doing that by keeping yourself guarded. You are making sure that you are protecting yourself because you know that you allowed yourself to get a little bit too reckless in the past. You haven’t really had your bets pan out the way that you would have wanted them to. You know that love is always going to be a risk; however, your risks just haven’t been paying off. And you have nothing but your wounds and scars to show for it.

But if you’re daring enough, you’re going to get a chance to meet a great guy; someone who is going to be a far cry from the man who just broke your heart and left you out to dry. And when you do decide to give love another try, you might get rewarded for your bravery. A lot of times, all it really takes is for you to meet the right guy for you to really heal and recover. You’re going to have to get accustomed to a different lifestyle with this guy because he is going to be nothing like you have ever had before. And here are a few things that you can expect when you meet the right guy after being in a toxic relationship.

1. You are going to feel thankful but also scared at the same time. You are going to be thankful that things are so much different now from how they were before. But you are also scared because things might seem too good to be true. You are scared because you allowed yourself to get your hopes up in the past and you ended up having to drown in your own hopes. You keep on anticipating him to harm you and disappoint you because that’s what you’re used to. But he always pulls through for you somehow.

2. However, you still feel a sense of mistrust. Yeah, he’s been showing some really good signs so far. He’s been ticking of fall of the boxes on your checklist. But you know that you can’t be complacent. Because of how you’ve been damaged by people in the past, you have hardened yourself. You have become someone who is no longer so easy to dupe. And that also means that your trust is difficult to earn. You doubt everything that he says to you. You doubt his sincerity because you are trying to keep yourself guarded.

3. But he’s going to manage to earn your trust eventually. He’s going to give you the consistency that you need from him. He’s going to give you the stability that you have been looking for since forever. You will gain some much-needed perspective on what it really means to be in a relationship with a stand-up guy. You will discover the real differences between being in a healthy relationship and a toxic one. In your previous relationships, you always felt so negative and down all the time. But this time around, it’s as if you have so many more reasons to smile. You have so many more reasons to be happy.

4. And by this time, your heart really starts to gain a more profound understanding of what love is supposed to be like. You will grow to discover that all of the brushes with love that you’ve had in the past aren’t for real. You know that what you have now is the REAL love that you have been looking for since you were young. You know that this is the kind of relationship that you have wanted for yourself for the longest time. You’re going to have a fresh perspective of relationship and life. And you will have a renewed sense of vigor and zeal for living. You will be excited at all of this romantic energy.

5. When you finally get to fall in love with a good guy, you will feel a sense of gratitude for the way that your life has worked itself out. Yes, you were always stuck in unfortunate situations in the past. You have had to go through so much suffering. But your days of heartache are over. You can be happy now. You can be in love. The real kind.

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