You are probably going to drive her away if you continually treat her like an option even though she always considers you to be her priority. You always treat her as if she’s some mere accessory to your life even though she considers you to be the center of her universe. You always make her feel like you would be so willing to replace her at any moment’s notice. She’s the kind of girl who really doesn’t know what she would do if you ever left her – and yet you let her suffer with the thought that you could possibly leave her whenever you want to. That’s torture for her. And eventually, she’s going to be tired of being tortured. She’s not going to want to put up with it anymore. And you are going to end up driving away this incredible girl even though all she wanted to do was love you. You are going to drive her away by never making her feel like she matters to you at all.
You are going to end up driving her away when you close yourself off to her. You are going to drive her away if you don’t make her feel welcome and included in your life. You are going to drive her away when you constantly keep yourself at an arm’s length’s distance. You are going to drive her away when you shut her out of your life just because you don’t want to make her feel like she can make herself comfortable with you – and you do this even though all she really wants to do is bring more joy and happiness into your life. You are going to end up driving her away if you allow her to get burned out as she tries to win your affection – the affection that you had no plans of giving her in the first place. She gives so much of herself to the cause of getting you to notice her – and yet you give her nothing. And she can only do that for so long. She can only keep up that kind of effort for a limited time. She only has so much of herself to give – and she’s practically giving you everything at this point. And yet, you still refuse to give her the validation that she needs. You still refuse to reciprocate the effort the she gives you. You are going to end up driving her away if you keep all of your walls up even though all she has ever done is allow herself to be completely open to you.
You are going to end up driving her away if you never commit yourself to her in a clear and explicit manner. You are always swimming in the gray areas with her. You are always so vague whenever she tries to ask you about how much you’re willing to commit to her. You live in a sea of ambiguity because you don’t want to give her the security that she needs. She’s always so anxious because she knows that she could just wake up one day and not find you there anymore. That’s the kind of feeling that you give her all of the time. At the times when she really hopes that you show up for her, you don’t. In the moments when she needs you to comfort her and give her strength, you are nowhere to be found. You could never become the man that she needed you to be; the man who would step up for her. You never gave her a reason to rely on you. You never gave her any hope. You never gave her a reason to depend on you. She never expected anything from you; but she always hoped for the best – but you stomped on her hopes with your indifference. She was always giving all of herself to your relationship because she knows that you wouldn’t be willing to give anything. And she feels like she has to overcompensate for your inactivity. She feels like she has to make up for whatever you lack.
But ultimately, you’re going to drive her away by not loving her the way that she deserves to be loved. She is an amazing girl. And really, all she wants to do is to live a life of love and happiness with you. And you’re making it so hard for her to do so. Her intentions are pure but your moves are sadistic. And she can’t really be so strong for too long. It also gets to a point where she has to put herself first. It gets to a point where she has to love herself more than she loves you. And when that happens, you are going to drive her away – and that will be the biggest mistake you will ever have made in life.