A girl with a free spirit is a girl who is in love with life.
She is a girl with limitless energy and she refuses to be bound by the world. This is a girl who wants to approach life on her own terms without paying any attention to the noise and chatter of others. This is the girl who knows that she is too big for life itself but still decides to play the game anyway. This is a girl who is going to love you at her own will, but you are going to have to work hard to keep that love alive. You are going to have to treat her like a special case because she is indeed a special person.
You can love a girl with a free spirit by making sure that you respect her needs for space. She values her freedom more than anything else in this world. She might look like a lovely flower, but she doesn’t need constant tending to. She is someone who can stand her ground and she doesn’t need anyone to take care of her. And if she wants to get something done on her own, then you have to allow her to do so. You don’t have to baby her. You are going to have to allow her to be her genuine self because having it any other way would be a disservice to the both of you anyway. You can’t be clingy and dependent on her. She will hate that. You have to afford her the space and freedom that she needs to spread her wings and if you do so, she is going to reciprocate the gesture.
You can love a girl with a free spirit by making her feel accepted for who she really is. Don’t judge her and ridicule her. You can criticize her when necessary but make sure that it’s coming from a place of love and not hate. Don’t make her feel bad just for the sake of doing so. Always have a purpose to your means. Make sure that she understands why you need to call her out every once in a while. But ultimately, you’re going to have to accept that parts of her that neither of you can change.
You can love a girl with a free spirit by stepping out of your comfort zone every so often. Remember that her free spirit forces her to constantly push the limits to constantly push the boundaries of life. She is always testing the waters. She always loves to immerse herself in the unfamiliar. She always lets her curiosity lead the way even when it means having to compromise comfort. She does this because she knows that these are necessary steps to growth. And if you want to grow in a relationship with her, you’re going to have to be willing to be uncomfortable too. You are going to have to put on a brave face and face uncomfortable situations.
You can love a girl with a free spirit by pushing her and motivating her when she needs it the most. Just because she has a free spirit doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get tired or discouraged every once in a while. She is only human after all. And this is where it pays to have a loving romantic partner at your side. There are days where she won’t have that usual twinkle in her eyes or that usual energy in her voice. These are the days where you have to step up and get her back to where she needs to be. These are the days where you have to push her to become the person she wants to become.
You can love a girl with a free spirit by being spontaneous with her. She is the kind of girl who would absolutely hate settling into routines for prolonged periods of time. You are going to have to be willing to shake things up every now and then. She is going to want spontaneity from you. She loves being surprised. She loves the exhilaration that comes with uncertainty. She’s not the kind of girl who would be comfortable with rigidity.
And lastly, you can love a girl with a free spirit by also being a free spirit yourself. She isn’t going to want to be with someone who is too stuck up or tightly wound. She isn’t going to want to be with an obsessive planner and compulsive organizer. She isn’t going to want to be with someone who tends to live life by the book instead of just grabbing it by the horns. She wants to be with a fellow free spirit as well. And you’re going to have to be up to the challenge.