This Is How You Unknowingly Let Her Go Even Though She Loved You Dearly

You let her go every time you use her as some sort of object for pleasure.

You let her go whenever you make her believe that she’s only an option to you even though you practically mean the entire world to her. She always made sure that she gave you everything she had even though you only gave her whatever was convenient to give.

You let her go whenever you always try to make distance between the two of you even though she is putting so much work into trying to get closer to you. She’s opening herself up to you even though you keep shutting her off.

You let her go every time you make her feel unsure about her place in the relationship. You make her question her own self-worth and you’re pushing her farther and farther away from you. You make her feel so isolated and alone even though you’re together.

She’s practically willing to give up everything for you even though you never seem to pay her any attention.

You let go of her every time you are being dishonest to her. You are letting her go whenever you bombard her with your many lies and you make her doubt the truth. You are driving her away the more that you make a fool out of her.

You let her go every time you make a refusal to actually commit to her. She is willing to put her life on hold and actually build a future around you but she can’t be even sure if you’re going to stick around until tomorrow. She never gets the feeling of safety and security that she needs from you, but she loves you anyway.

You let her go every single time you threaten to walk out that door. It makes her feel like you’re not serious about the relationship and you’re just in it to manipulate and abuse her. It shows her that you have no respect for how she’s feeling because you would willingly hurt her if given the chance.

You let her go every time you use her as some sort of object for pleasure. You let her go every time you manipulate her into doing something for you just for the sake of it testing her.

You let her go every time you don’t show up on your dates and you bail on her without letting her know beforehand. You let her go whenever you just choose to hide from her for long periods of time and then you return as if nothing has happened. You let her go every time you play with her emotions because of your inconsistency.

You let her go every time that you tell her to get out whenever you’re upset and then you end up being mad whenever she does decide to leave.

You let her go every time you make her a target during your little childish games. You let her go every time you deliberately don’t respond to her text messages or answer her phone calls. You let her go whenever you make her feel like she’s talking to a wall whenever you’re out on a date.

You let her go whenever you make her believe that you’re starting to let her in and then you just end up shoving her out at the very last second. She tries her best to try and break down your walls but you keep building them higher and higher.

You let her go whenever you tell her that you are into her but your words don’t translate into actions. You keep her on the hook with your sweet promises but you never follow them up.

You let her go every time you make her feel like she’s the only one who still really cares about this relationship; whenever you make her feel like she’s the only one who’s putting in the work.

You let her go whenever you tell her that she’s the only one for you but then you go ahead and eye every girl that you see even when you’re out on a date together. You let her go every time you don’t manage to make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the room.

You let her go whenever you make her stare at the back of your phone whenever you’re out on dates because you’re more interested in your social media feeds than what she actually has to say to you.

You let go of her when she finally decides that enough is enough and you’re not worth all the pain anymore.

You let go of her when you make her realize that there are other people who are better suited to take care of her.

You let go of her when you don’t realize she’s the best woman you are ever going to meet in life, but you took it for granted. 

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