This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Look For In 2018 Based On Your Zodiac Sign

The search begins.

Aries (March 21 April 19)

You are too much of a lover of the bad boy type of guy. And as a result, you have experienced constant heartache and disappointment in your life over and over again. In the coming year, you should look to change things up a little. You need to find yourself a good guy. This is someone who is reliable and dependable; the kind of guy you can really count on to never hurt you.

Taurus (April 20 May 21)

Be honest with yourself. You’re still hung up over an ex flame. This coming year, you need to make it a point to find someone who is completely new and different. This should be a person who genuinely appreciates you. This is someone who you don’t have to force to remain in your life; unlike your ex who just continues to be unresponsive towards you. You have to learn to move on.

Gemini (May 22 June 21)

It’s fairly simple really. You just need to find yourself a guy who will be just as invested in the relationship as you are. Granted that you are a Gemini, you are very thoughtful and you will always make it a point to make the people around you happy. But you are also going to need the same kind of treatment in return if things are going to work out.

Cancer (June 22 July 22)

Stop allowing yourself to be a doormat. As a Cancer, you have a tendency to become very needy and dependent on other people. As a result, you let them walk all over you a lot. That’s wrong. You need to look for the kind of guy who would never mistreat or abuse you. You need to be with someone who doesn’t take advantage of your fragile nature.

Leo (July 23 August 22)

The answer is fairly obvious. As a Leo, you are known to be egotistical and self-centered. You can’t help it. It’s just a natural facet of your personality and you are likely never to change in that regard. That’s why you need to find yourself a guy who willingly lets you hog the spotlight. You need a man who showers you with all of the love and attention that you might need.

Virgo (August 23 September 22)

You are an inherent perfectionist and that’s just how you’ve always lived your life. You are uncompromising when it comes to your standards and your expectations. You also never like to compromise your principles on love and dating. That’s why you need to look for the guy who is actually willing to step up to the challenge of being with you.

Libra (September 23 October 22)

You are just so used to falling for the broken man. As a Libra, you keep on trying to get with someone who is overly flawed so that you have a chance to fix them. It always ends up as a disaster and you need to start changing your methods. Next year, look for the guy who already has his things in order; the one who doesn’t need much fixing anymore.

Scorpio (October 23 November 22)

As counter-intuitive as it may seem, you really need to find yourself a man who wants to take things slow. As a Scorpio, you always like to rush into love. In fact, you are so quick to just fall in love with people, and that’s completely dangerous. You need to seek the man who would be able to teach you the value of patience in love.

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)

You need to start looking for the man who has actual depth. As a Sagittarius, you have always settled for men because of superficial and shallow reasons. They were good looking. They were rich. In 2018, you need to search for the mean who can add actual meaning and fulfilment to your life.

Capricorn (December 22 January 20)

You have a generally lighthearted demeanor as a Capricorn and you need to find yourself a man who actually responds well to that. It would be a tragedy for you to waste your invaluable sense of humor on someone who doesn’t know how to appreciate it. You need to find a guy who complements your positive energy well.

Aquarius (January 21 February 18)

Be realistic. Stop pursuing the men you can’t have. As an Aquarius, you are naturally drawn to challenges but sometimes, you take on impossible ones. You are constantly chasing after men who are already in relationships, men who are too busy for you, men who are too old for you, or men who are emotionally unavailable. Stop being unreasonable and try to look for an accessible guy for once.

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

You shouldn’t really be looking for anyone new because the person you have been looking for has been under your nose the whole time. You are constantly bending over backwards trying to get people to like you but you fail to give attention to those who are already there for you. As a Pisces, learn to appreciate the people who are already in your life.

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