This Is The Kind Of Love Story You Need To Wait For

This should be your love story.

You really need to be patient when it comes to love. You have to remember that the best things in life never come easily. They never come cheap. They never come quickly. The best things in life always take time including love.

You need to stay patient and wait for the love that takes you by surprise. This is a love that makes a spontaneous appearance in your life and leaves a lasting print on your heart. This is the kind of love that you don’t necessarily see coming but you welcome it all the same. This is the kind of love that greets you like a breath of fresh air when all you’ve been breathing is smog this whole time.

You need to wait for the love that has the power to take your breath away. This is the kind of love that actually forces you to confront everything you have ever believed about life and love. This is the kind of love that forces you to reimagine the future that you want for yourself. This is the kind of love that really opens your eyes to just how much better things could really be; how things could be so much better than you ever could have imagined.

You need to wait for the love that actually makes you feel like you’re at home. This is the love with someone who makes you feel so comfortable regardless of where you are or what you’re doing so as long as you’re together. You need to wait for the kind of love that gives you the same feeling of safety and security that you would experience being within the confines of your home.

You need to wait for a love that really doesn’t shy away from communication. You need to find yourself a love that propagates openness and honesty at all times. You really need to find yourself someone who makes you feel comfortable with just opening up about absolutely anything. You need to be with someone who gives you free reign to express yourself and someone who wouldn’t hesitate to tell you the truth either. You need to find a love that really values communication because that is the bedrock of any solid relationship.

You need to be with a love that gives you the kind of self-assurance that you need to face the world with a brave face. You need to wait for the love that actually gives you the confidence to look at life with courage and gall. You need to wait for the love that actually allows and encourages you to live a life of zeal and passion. You need to wait for a love that constantly reassures you of your self-worth; a love that always makes you feel beautiful.

You need to wait for the love that never makes you feel like you lack in any form of affection and endearment. You need to wait for the kind of love that gives wholeheartedly and loves unconditionally. You need to wait for the kind of love that erases all doubts and insecurities from your mind. This is the love that will slap you in the face with just how real and raw it is.

You have to wait for the kind of love that leaves no questions unanswered. IN fact, this is a love that makes all questions obsolete. This is the kind of love that only gives answers.

You have to wait for the kind of love that doesn’t draw things out. This is the love that hits you with the truth right away and so you don’t end up finding yourself being drawn on a leash to nowhere. This is a love that actually carries a purpose. This is the kind of love with real direction. This is the kind of love that is worth preserving and fighting for.

You have to wait for the kind of love that actually gives you the energy to wake up in the mornings with the kind of relentlessness that one needs to make a mark on the world. You need to wait for the kind of love that both gives you everything that you want and leaves you wanting more every single time.

You need to wait for the kind of love that makes you feel understood. This is the kind of love that makes you feel accepted and valued. This is the kind of love that doesn’t make you feel like you have to be constantly explaining yourself to the people around you. This is the kind of love that will never make you feel judged.

And most of all, you need to wait for the kind of love that doesn’t scare easily. This is the kind of love that is here to stay regardless of how difficult things may get. This is the kind of love that keeps you inspired; because this is the love that never quits on you. 

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