It’s indisputable that the kidneys are ranked among the most important organs in the human body. They are primarily responsible for taking all of the harmful substances that go through the body and they turn them into urine for eventual secretion. In a way, the kidney is responsible for making sure that the body is as clean as possible by flushing away any harmful chemicals or toxins. However, kidneys are also very much prone to diseases and malfunctions because of how hard they work for the body. Typically microbes can cause substantial inflammation of the kidneys.
When urine is stuck inside the body and is not disposed of properly, then the microbes can multiply significantly. And when that happens, it’s absolutely vital to use anti-inflammatory drugs to treat unnatural inflammation. It is important to remember that when treating the kidneys, it’s essential for the patient to be taking in a lot of fluids to ensure the complete removal of all the accumulated toxins and harmful substances within the kidney itself. Any chemicals that might be left behind can be dangerous – even in small quantities. It’s also important to ensure that all salts in a body are excreted through the urine.
Failure to do so could result in serious metabolic disorders – crystals within the kidney will stick together and they can grow to be really big which could compromise the kidney’s function. These stones are harmful – and extremely painful when the crystals start to grow and move around. The pain doesn’t really present itself when the crystals are stationary. These renal formations are most often caused by the following:
– Severe vitamin imbalances and deficiencies. Malnutrition can be the cause of a lot of bodily defects, and the kidneys are not immune to this.
– An unnatural deviation in the function of the parotid glands which can lead to compromised calcium metabolism.
– Severe dehydration that can be brought about by extremely hot weather; or a lack of water intake.
– The pathology of the genitourinary system; and any anomalies that may take place in this system – which may result in the narrowing of the urinary tract which may make the outflow of urine a lot more challenging.
– Complications brought about by other diseases such as bladder inflammation, prostate adenoma, kidney depression, hydronephrosis, prostatitis, and more.
– Sedentary lifestyles which can compromise the efficiency of bodily functions.
These are the various forms of kidney stones: oxalates, urates, carbonates, struvites, and phosphates. The earliest signs of oxalates is when the process of oxaluria takes place. It’s when the crystals appear as a result of the reaction that is ignited between oxalic acid and calcium. The human body’s main source of oxalic acid is usually fruits and vegetables which are high in Vitamin C. It’s also highly recommended to not take in caffeine and chocolate when experiencing oxaluria. These substances are incredibly rich in calcium and they can only aggravate and initiate the formation of stones in the kidney.
Phosphates are mostly calcium salts that are composed of phosphoric acid. It is nearly impossible to find these in X-ray radiation. These stones have a typically loose structure and a very smooth surface which makes them difficult to spot out. Their colors vary from light greys to very pure whites. Phosphates usually appear and grow as a result of infectious diseases that take place in the urinary system – likely to be found in the intestine. As a result, the acidity in urine is going to change abruptly to the point that it almost becomes alkaline which leads to the formation of pathology.
Urates are most known to appear in various places within the urinary system. And the age of the pathology can really range from 20 to 60 years. You are likely able to tell the localization of the stone based on the age of the patient. In most children and the elderly, urates can form in the bladder. For middle-aged people, the stones are found within the kidney and ureter.
The best way to combat kidney stones is through prevention by means of natural remedies.
1. Hydration
Always make sure that you are taking in enough clean water. Don’t be content with teas, coffees, juices, and other liquids. Clean water is always your best bet.
2. Nigella Sativa Seeds
They have very effective anti-inflammatory properties that can really help in the remedying of kidney stones and inflammations.
3. Magnesium.
Magnesium plays a big role in various biochemical and physiological processes within the human body. They are one of the most important micronutrients that aid in the efficiency of bodily functions.
4. Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 can really aid in a body’s overall metabolism and nervous system function. It also helps the treatment of body cholesterol. Cereals, meats, seafood, and dairy products are all examples of food products that are rich in Vitamin B6.