This Is What Happens When An Empath And A Narcissist Get Together In A Relationship

When these two get together, things are never going to work.

Empaths and narcissists are two very different personality types, and their dynamics in a romantic relationship can be quite complex.

An empath is someone who is highly sensitive and attuned to the emotions and needs of others. They are often very compassionate, empathetic, and nurturing. Empaths tend to put the needs of others before their own and can feel overwhelmed by the emotions and energy of those around them.

On the other hand, a narcissist is someone who is highly self-centered and has an inflated sense of their own importance. They may lack empathy for others and prioritize their own needs and desires above all else. Narcissists often seek out admiration and attention from others and can be manipulative and controlling in their relationships.

When an empath and a narcissist fall in love, the empath may be drawn to the narcissist’s charisma and confidence, while the narcissist may be attracted to the empath’s nurturing and caring nature. However, over time, the empath may begin to feel drained and exhausted by the narcissist’s constant need for attention and validation. The narcissist, in turn, may feel frustrated by the empath’s emotional sensitivity and desire to put others before themselves.

In many cases, the empath may try to “fix” the narcissist or cater to their needs in an effort to make the relationship work. However, this can lead to a toxic and imbalanced dynamic, with the empath feeling drained and the narcissist feeling entitled.

Overall, it can be a challenging and unhealthy dynamic when an empath and a narcissist fall in love, and it may be best for both parties to seek out relationships with individuals who share their values and communication styles.

If someone has fallen in love with a narcissist or an empath, it’s important to be aware of the potential challenges and dynamics that may arise in the relationship. It’s also important to take the time to reflect on one’s own values, needs, and boundaries.

If you are in love with a narcissist, it’s important to be aware of their tendency to prioritize their own needs and desires above yours. It may be helpful to set clear boundaries and communicate your own needs in the relationship. However, it’s also important to be prepared for the fact that the narcissist may not be able to meet your emotional needs and may not be willing or able to change their behavior.

If you are in love with an empath, it’s important to be aware of their tendency to prioritize the needs of others above their own. It may be helpful to support the empath in setting boundaries and taking time for self-care. However, it’s also important to recognize that the empath may need more emotional support and understanding than some other partners, and it may take extra effort to communicate effectively and build a strong relationship.

In either case, it’s important to prioritize your own well-being and to seek out relationships with individuals who share your values and communication styles. If the relationship becomes toxic or abusive, it’s important to seek help from a therapist or counselor and to consider ending the relationship for your own safety and well-being.

  1. My ex husband was a Narcissist and he took me from feeling beautiful and free to a feeling of not being pretty enough, thin enough, and level of self loathing that I almost took my own life. He had an affair and I was so thankful for it, bevause it was my first step towards freedom. I have been trying to build myself up since. I have since been working on myself and have remarried to man who always builds me up even on days when I relive my past relationship trauma. My new husband is a blessing and I am so thankful that I am slowly starting to forget my ex husband.

    1. I’m in the same relationship and want to run away from this relation but can’t as I love him so much but he didn’t or you can say his behavior is because of his narcissistic nature. Please someone please help and guide me to run out of this relationship as I have kids also and I just don’t want my kids to leave with him

      1. The thing is he has never & will never love you or his children. You are wasting your time with this man, he only loves himself or maybe even hates himself but he isn’t capable of loving you or your kids. He is a liar & if a narcissist he is dangerous especially if abusive. If he’s abusive physically or sexually & is sadistic he’s a malignant narcissist or worse a sociopath or psychopath. You can be sure if he’s abusing you he is also capable of abusing your children. I lived with & couldn’t escape a husband for 30 years. He is now diagnosed a psychopath, I didn’t know how bad he was & thought him only bad to me & I couldn’t escape. Everyone thought him wonderful & nobody helped me. That’s because he had already flattered & deceived everyone around me, including friends, family, even police, before he targeted me. My advice, pick up your kids & run. Go to the nearest police station & say he’s an abuser. Say & do whatever you have to do to get away from him & save your children. My only regret is I didn’t do him in, as it would have saved so many others that I wasn’t even aware he was hurting. As I’ve been told, we are lucky to have survived. I wouldn’t even call these things men, I’d call them demonic beings, shape shifters & they’re fully aware of the harm they are causing. Mine actually really hated me & wanted to kill me from the time we met when I was just 15. He hated that I was kind & nice & put others before myself & he took advantage of it. He played the victim, love bombed ect. I wanted to help him. Do whatever you have to do to save your kids xxx

        1. So very sorry for all that you have gone through. I understand how you feel unfortunately. I am very happy that you are out of that situation and safe now!

        2. Yes I’m have Been in The Same Situation! He has Repeatedly Cheated while Blaming me For Not Being There When He Needed Me or saying he could never talk to me And she would listen ! He Has Threatened My Whole Family with Bodily harm and Death. Me included has Often Planned my Death For me what He is Gonna Tell People! Has Wished Death on Me Numerous times saying I wish you would just drop dead right now B. We Have Not Lived Together in a Year. But He has Still managed To Keep A Hold On Me While He is Preparing his Next Victim! Even though he has never followed Thru on any of Those Threats he Has Mentally and Sexually done Things are Horrible like One Day He Got Mad And Tried to rip one of my Breast off! My whole Breast was Black his Mom Seen it and Said Omgoodness what in the World happened. He uses All kinds Of things that I see as torture .He calls it showing love Like Bites My Toes my Fingers my Hands.also like Shoving his Fingers and Hands In Places trying to rip them open! But I’m Praying and And Praying to be set totally free from him! He also thinks I’m his on personal ATM. If He don’t get his Way He Throws a tantrum worse then a Child And Tares thing up like He Busted Every Window in my car out! He Threatens to burn my house down just all kinds of things! Please Keep me in your Prayers As Im Praying For the Lord To totally remove him from my Life!

      2. I’m in the same boat as yourself. What has helped me is that I cried my heart out and asked God to remove him from my heart. I realized that I deserve better, and he’s not going to change. I’ve already deprived my own happiness for him for 6 years. No more putting him first. I’m a princess of God and deserve a Prince, not a toad. It’s hard as heck and hurts. Good look to you

  2. Omg, this is exactly the relationship I have.. I’m an empath, he’s a narcissist. Working on getting out!!!

    1. I just got out of a marriage where I was the empath and he was the narcissist. He took me for over $340k! We are both 60 and only married for 16 months. He took things from me that I had WAY before I even met him. He tried to take my deceased mother’s china cabinet in our divorce! They are vile, entitled sociopaths!

      1. Yes I Gave Up all kinds of Things. Because He Would Say I Promise if You do this for me or give me this and this I will leave and leave you alone and never has!🤯

  3. This was the exact relationship I just got out of finally for the last time! I went back after leaving several times because of the love bombing my narcissistic boyfriend was doing. I was belittled, accused of cheating every day I let myself go because I thought if I looked bad the accusations would stop they didn’t! I was called stupid and fat and was not able to even work without accusations of cheating! It was terrible and if this is happening to you run!! Millions of miles away and don’t look back!

    1. I Know Tracy I was Accused everyday all day long For 10 years! The whole time it was Him cheating when It started coming out it was my Fault Because I Wasn’t There For him he said🙄I Let My Self Go thinking Maybe he Would want Me Nope! He Has Called Me All Kinds of Horrible things Some I could never imagine saying to somebody!

  4. This is the exact same situation i find myself in but i took the steps to filing for divorce as it was now becoming physical and we share 2 small kids together. He has changed me from the beautiful amd confident woman i was to me not having any confidence in myself,jobless and lost so much weight that i look sick,so many times ive tried to commit suicide, i now ended up treating him very bad and saying bad things to try and make him feel like how he makes me feel. I love him so much and a small part of me feels like im making a mistake filing for divorce but im doing it for my kids,he even told me so many times im going to regret leaving him one day

  5. I always put everyone else first I love everyone for who they are
    I just got divorced from a narcassist and she has destroyed my new relationship
    I am more worried every one else needs before mine to the point my credit is crap and I have given all my money away
    I didn’t care because I truly believed she would give it back and appreciate it
    I’m blown away by the lack of effort and unloyalty

  6. Please try get you and your kids out of there
    The kids will be much happier believe me.
    I stay for seven years and it scarred my eldest who started experiencing PTSD when she turned 18 .
    Thankfully one day something clicked inside me and that’s whe I called woman’s aids.
    It was tough I had to leave my family behind but we were free

  7. This is a losing battle. My advice, walk away as soon as you realize you’re dealing with a narcissist. I for some reason saw the red flags but thought oh he’s just never had the right kind of person in his life. But no turns out he was most likely the problem. Run fast run far.

  8. I’m an empath Sigma male. I can literally read her mind and I know what she’s going to do or how she’s going to react even before she does. She is an awful selfish woman. The children fear her. She has some of the nastiest awful addictions and habits I’ve ever seen in a human being. She’s beautiful, intelligent, educated and full of pride. She has champaign tastes and a budget to match. She’s a liar, a cheat, and an ogre. I’m totally in love with her and I’m glad she’s not mine. This Sigma knows his limitations and I have very high standards. She has all the red flags. Friendship only.

  9. Yes, be strong and have the power and strenght to stand up for yourself. No one can protect you except, you. Leave him or her when you are not happy. Happiness is a choice!

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