This Is What I Really Mean When I Tell You That I Love You

I haven’t even come close to describing just what I mean when I say that I love you.

When I tell you that I love you, this is what I mean. I’m telling you that there’s a feeling inside of me that can’t possibly be properly represented by any combination of words in any language. I’m telling you that there are certain sensations that are whizzing through my system and I don’t exactly know what to do with them. When I tell you that I love you, I’m saying that there are no other words that can accurately express my gratitude to the universe for somehow allowing you to cross paths with me. I’m silently counting my lucky starts and wondering just what I did to deserve having you in my life. When I tell you that I love you, I’m letting you know that I’m starting to forget what my life was like before I met you and how I never want to go back to that phase. It was weird. I went around life without exactly knowing what I was missing. You were the person I never knew I needed and fate made sure to let me know of it. You were he missing piece to a puzzle that I didn’t know I had to complete in the first place. When I tell you that I love you, I mean that there is a real energy between us. It’s static. It’s constantly evolving. It’s constantly getting strong. And sometimes, it frightens me to know just how strongly I feel these things for you. When I tell you that I love you, I’m letting you know that you’re an answered prayer in my life.

When I tell you that I love you, I’m essentially telling you that my passion for you is boundless and limitless. I’m telling that the bond we have is indestructible. I’m telling you that all of the strong feelings that I have for you are unconditional. I’m telling you that the affection that I have for you is absolutely invincible. When I tell you that I love you, I’m telling you that I am intimidated by you by how I feel about you. I’m telling you just how pure and unsullied my feelings are for you. I’m telling you that I have raw natural emotions for you and I might not always know what to do with them. I may not communicate them effectively. I may not express them properly. But I just want you to know that there is pure innocence behind these feelings for you. When I tell you that I love you, I’m saying that there is a burning desire buried deep within my chest and it’s longing to come out. I’m saying that it’s absolutely eating away at my insides knowing that there is so little it can do to actually show you just how much I love you. When I tell you that I love you, I feel like I’m actually cheapening how I feel about you because ˜I love you just doesn’t do justice to my state of being right now in relation to you. I’m not even going to take the superlatives and say that I’m going to love you forever. I’m not going to tell you that I’m going to love you to the moon and back. I’m not going to say that I will love you until the end of time. These are all impossibilities and hypotheticals. And if there’s one thing that I know about my love for you, it’s that it’s not hypothetical at all. It’s not impossible. The love that I have for you is real and tangible. I can see it with my eyes. I can touch it with my fingers. I can hear it in the sweet melodies of mankind’s greatest symphonies. I can taste it with the sweet nectar of the heavens. When I tell you that I love you, there is nothing fake or hypothetical about it. My love for you is as real as the sun in the sky and the leaves on a tree.

When I tell you that I love you, it means that I feel like drinking all of the sunlight in your skin. When I tell you that I love you, I’m telling you that I can taste the next 50 years of my life whenever I kiss you. When I tell you that I love you, it means that I’m willing to put your happiness above my own because you being happy is what ultimately makes me happy.

When I tell you that I love you, I am saying that I can no longer possibly imagine what a universe without you would be like. I’m telling you that having to live a life without me loving you would practically be the same as me ceasing to exist. They might say that I’m being over-dramatic. But that’s an understatement.

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