This Is What Love Is All About Because It’s So Much More Than Just Holding Hands And Hugging

Falling in love with someone means that you’re already searching for the best possible Christmas present for them even when it’s still September because you always want everything in your relationship to be perfect.

Falling in love with someone means so much more than going home to the same apartment and sleeping on the same bed every single night. Falling in love is so much more than just sharing all of your meals together. It’s so much more than just visiting IKEA on the weekend and picking out furniture together. It means so much more than drowning your social media feeds with pictures of the two of you out on dates together. That’s the shallow face that we all attribute to the idea of love, but it’s always going to be so much more than that.

Falling in love with someone means feeling absolutely restless and anxious whenever your partner doesn’t return your calls only to find out that they ran out of battery. Falling in love with someone means that you can’t take it whenever you’re not updated on where they are or who they’re with because you would be too worried that something bad might have happened to them. Falling in love with someone means trying your best to be as protective as possible without necessarily suffocating your partner.

Falling in love with someone means that you share everything that they’re feeling at any given moment. You get nervous for them because they’re also nervous about an upcoming job interview. You get happy whenever they are happy that their favorite basketball team just one the NBA championship. You get absolutely heartbroken when they are sad because one of their parents died. You share feelings as if you were merely a single soul inhabiting two separate bodies. Falling in love means that you know how the other is feeling and you feel that way too.

Falling in love means getting really upset at them whenever they screw up because you never want them to succumb to a life of failure and mediocrity. It means that you always want to push them to be better because you truly believe that they are capable of great things. It means that you always try to see the best of them in whatever situation they are in. It means that you believe in them even when no one else does.

Falling in love with someone means not being able to sleep soundly at night when they’re away on a business trip because you’re so used to having the warmth of their bodies pressed up against your own. You’re so used to having someone who would just cuddle with you at night. Falling in love with someone means feeling really uncomfortable whenever you’re not together but at the same time, feeling really secure that you still love one another despite the distance.

Falling in love with someone means taking a genuine interest in that person’s life. It means asking your partner How was your day? and actually listening to what they have to say to you. It means that you really take the time and effort to remember all the familiar names that they bring up to you like cousins, coworkers, clients, bosses, and others. Falling in love with someone means that you’re willing to actually take up one of your partner’s hobbies because you know it would make them really happy to see you trying even when you don’t particularly want to.

Falling in love with someone means that you’re already searching for the best possible Christmas present for them even when it’s still September because you always want everything in your relationship to be perfect. You want your relationship to be caught in a constant state of elation not just because you want it for yourself, but because you know that it’s the kind of relationship your partner deserves.

Falling in love with someone means picking up their favorite food for them on the way home from work even when it’s out of your way just because you know that it would be able to put a smile on their face after a long day. That’s what love is. Being able to do inconvenient things for the person that you love the most just because you know that it’s what you need to do to make them happy. And you do it with a smile on your face as well.

Falling in love with someone is letting them have the last slice of pizza or the last piece of candy because you know that that would make them really happy. Falling in love with someone means that you don’t really see yourself as above your partner. You see yourselves as a team and you take turns steering the ship. Falling in love with someone means that you fall in love with your best friend the one person who understands you best in this world. Falling in love with someone means allowing yourself to be in the place you were really meant to be this whole time at your partner’s side.

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