This Is What Your Ex-Boyfriend Wishes He Could Tell You Based On His Zodiac Sign

This is what he wishes he would have told you.

Aries (March 21 April 19)

He wants to let you know that the life he is trying to put on display on his social media feeds is a complete lie. He is trying to fabricate the truth to make it seem like he’s doing fine and that the breakup hasn’t affected him much. But the truth is that he’s deeply affected by the breakup. He can’t handle that you’re no longer together but he doesn’t want to look like he’s weak. 

Taurus (April 20 May 21)

Your Taurus ex wants to let you know that you are deeply missed. He lays wake at night thinking about you constantly. He doesn’t necessarily want to get back together with you. He just wants to be able to fill the void that you have left in his life. He had gotten so used to just having you around that it’s completely overwhelming for him to have to bear a life without you in it. 

Gemini (May 22 June 21)

You may think that you ended your relationship on bad terms and that your boyfriend hates your guts; but that is far from the truth. Your boyfriend isn’t as upset with you as he may have led you to believe. He wishes you well and he wants to be able to tell you that. He wants to let you know that he has no ill-feelings for you. 

Cancer (June 22 July 22)

Your former boyfriend wants to let you know that you left a big hole in his life as a Cancer. You were a huge aspect of his life and when things ended between the two of you, it was a difficult transition for him. He also wants to tell you that his family and all of his loved ones still look for you. 

Leo (July 23 August 22)

Your Leo ex wants to be able to tell you that you should stop feeling bad about the breakup. He wants to rid you of any guilt that you may be feeling. He wants to tell you that you that you have no fault in the sad ending of your relationship. He wants you to know that it was a decision he made on his own and that you shouldn’t feel bad about it.

Virgo (August 23 September 22)

He wants to comfort you. Your ex wants to let you know that you are an amazing girl and that you shouldn’t let this breakup get you down. He wants to be able to tell you that you will eventually find love; but it’s just that he can’t be the man to give it to you. He wants you to be as happy as possible because he still cares about you. 

Libra (September 23 October 22)

Your old Libra boyfriend wants to tell you to just stop being depressed about the breakup. He wants to help you realize that this breakup has to happen; that you two are just never going to be happy together. He wants to help you understand that you can both be happier if you just spend the rest of your lives apart. He wants you to know that you shouldn’t have any regrets in your relationship and that the best years of your lives are yet to come. 

Scorpio (October 23 November 22)

He wants you to know that you weren’t just another notch in his belt; you weren’t just another prize for him to win. He wants you to know that you meant a lot more to him than he may have led you to believe. He doesn’t want you to have any doubts about the value of your relationship.

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)

He wants to apologize to you profusely. He wants you to know that he really didn’t want you to end up getting hurt. He wants to give all his excuses and his reasons. He wants you to understand that he didn’t deliberately want to bring pain into your life. 

Capricorn (December 22 January 20)

Your Capricorn ex wants to tell you that you still run across his mind on a regular basis; that you never even left his mind since you’ve broken up. 

Aquarius (January 21 February 18)

He wants to let you know that he’s very proud of the person that you are. He wants to tell you that he thinks you are bound for great things. He wants you to understand that he was holding you back and that you could never maximize your potential if you continued to force your relationship. He wants you to know that you are worth so much more than you think. 

Pisces (February 19 March 20)

He wants you to know that your leaving had a huge effect on him. He wants you to understand that you weren’t just a romantic relationship to him. You weren’t just another girlfriend. You were his soulmate and he’s not going to get over your breakup anytime soon.

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