This Is What Your Soulmate Is Like Based On The Month You Were Born

This is freakishly real


As a January baby, you have a tendency to be quite ambitious and goal-oriented. And as a result, you live a very fast-paced lifestyle. That’s why it makes sense that your soulmate is going to be someone who has the will and resilience to keep up with the life that you lead. You need to be with someone who is able to support your goals and dreams someone who always stands by your side through the thick and thin of it all.


You have a very dynamic personality as a February baby. You never know how you’re going to act or feel at any given moment. And so your soulmate has to be adaptable and patient with you. Your soulmate is someone who is going to embrace the dynamic nature of your personality.


You are such a caring and kindhearted human being. There is never a shortage of kindness in your heart. And you are always so willing to give so much of yourself to ensure the safety and well-being of the people you love. And that’s why your soulmate is someone who is going to be just as caring and as kindhearted towards you. You need to be with someone who helps take care of you as well.


You are someone who really takes pride in being who you are. And you need a soulmate who doesn’t threaten that. Your soulmate is someone who is never going to force you to become a person you’re not comfortable with being. Your soulmate is always going to give you the freedom to just be your true self whenever you’re together.


You are a deeply ambitious and focused individual. You are goal-oriented and there are many things in life that you have set out to achieve for yourself. There are plenty of things that you want to get done and you would never want to be in a relationship that would hold you back. That’s why your soulmate is someone who supports and motivates you to pursue your goals. Your soulmate is someone who would never serve as an additional hurdle between you and your dreams.


Great conversation is very important to you. And that’s why your soulmate is someone who is going to be openly communicative. Your soulmate is someone who is a great conversationalist; someone who is able to go really deep in conversations with you about various topics.


Your soulmate is someone who doesn’t hold back when it comes to loving you. You tend to be someone who is very friendly and accommodating. It’s not hard for you to get people to like you because of your charm and your alluring personality. However, you rarely ever open up to people on a romantic level. And that’s where your soulmate needs to compensate.


You are a natural leader. You’ve always had a way of just commanding the attention of any room that you’re in. You always find yourself making the decisions and calling the shots for large groups of people. And you have no problems assuming responsibility for various situations. So your soulmate should be someone who supports your willingness to take the initiative; but they should also be willing to call you out when you get too drunk with power.


You really need someone who is able to command your respect. You tend to have very high standards and expectations. It’s very rare for you to encounter people who actually impress you. But your soulmate is always going to be able to exceed whatever expectations you might set for them.


You really need someone who can help you become more comfortable with who you really are on the inside despite what other people may say or think. As a October baby, you are someone who always holds the thoughts and opinions of other people to a high regard. That isn’t always healthy because you end up developing insecurities for yourself. Your soulmate is someone who helps motivate you to just be your true and genuine self.


You are a deeply ambitious and energetic person. You always have a way of just taking all of your energy and turning it into something productive. You are always keeping your hands busy and it’s also the reason why you tend to get so many things done. But your soulmate is going to be someone who balances you out. You sometimes need to just stop and smell the roses every once in a while. You don’t want to overwork yourself.


You are a very trustworthy and honest person in a relationship. And your ideal soulmate should be able to mirror these positive traits towards you as well. You need to be with someone who really feels comfortable with being truthful towards you. Your soulmate is going to be someone who you can always trust to give it straight to you even when it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable.

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