This Is Why It’s Okay For You To Not Wait For Other People’s Love

Don’t you ever dare think to yourself that you’re just settling for love when you abandon the waiting game. That’s never the case. You’re just choosing to go after the love that you think you deserve. When you prolong the waiting game, you’re continually just pouring salt into your own wound and you’re not giving it a chance to heal. There is a void inside of you that waiting will never be able to fill. You have to know that while it is noble to be loyal and resilient when going after true love, it is important that you are deserving of the love that you’re being loyal to.

It’s a shame really. We were all programmed early on to believe that unlimited patience is absolutely necessary in order for us to find success in love. We are all taught to never be aggressive; to always be passive in the search for love. We always just have to wait for things to go their natural course. We have to let love come to us. Otherwise, we’re seen as emotionally devoid people who will grab at any chance we can get to experience romance and love. We never want to be known as the people who are stubborn and unwilling to wait for love to find us because that’s how the movies and society have programmed us to believe. They always manage to paint the picture of patience and waiting as grand gestures that are necessary for great love stories. They have managed to lead us to believe that if we wait long enough, the most beautiful kind of love story is waiting for us in the wings. They make us think that we are all deserving of love and that it will eventually come into our arms if we know how to be patient.

Patience in love is important, yes. The good things in life are always worth waiting for. But you have to remember that the best things in life are worth fighting for. You can never afford to be passive when it comes to finding love. You can’t afford to be watching from the sidelines; to be waiting in the wings. When you wait for that one particular person to develop feelings for you, you have to understand that that may end up being time that is wasted. You don’t want to be waiting for someone who has no plans of reciprocating whatever feelings you may have. When you wait for that one person, you also tend to shut off the possibilities of finding love with other people. You tend to shut yourself down emotionally, and so other people who are ready to give you the love you deserve will be unable to penetrate the faГ§ade that you’re putting up. You shouldn’t have to wait an unreasonable length of time for someone to love you when there are other people who are ready to give you love at any given time. You shouldn’t limit yourself to passivity and waiting. You’re practically waiting in vain and shutting yourself off from everything that you crave emotionally.В – Continue reading on the next page

On the surface, you may see your patience as a noble virtue. You think that your waiting is something that should be emulated by most people. You truly believe that you’re in the right and that there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing. However, you have to understand that from the outside looking in, it doesn’t look so noble. The gesture doesn’t look so grand. When other people see the turmoil and hell that you’re putting yourself through with your patience, they don’t see something beautiful that is worth emulating. They see a person who just can’t seem to value himself or herself. They see a person who is willing to get run over for the prospect of improbable love. They see a person who doesn’t know what he/she wants and is willing to give everything up for the sake of an unrealistic romance. They won’t see you as a strong and patient person. They will see you as a week and passive individual who doesn’t have the strength to actively pursue dreams and aspirations. If you’re willing to let yourself go for someone who doesn’t even think twice about you, then you’re just being pathetic. Stop waiting for something that isn’t coming and open yourself up to the things that are already there.

Don’t you ever dare think to yourself that you’re just settling for love when you abandon the waiting game. That’s never the case. You’re just choosing to go after the love that you think you deserve. When you prolong the waiting game, you’re continually just pouring salt into your own wound and you’re not giving it a chance to heal. There is a void inside of you that waiting will never be able to fill. You have to know that while it is noble to be loyal and resilient when going after true love, it is important that you are deserving of the love that you’re being loyal to. Why would you ever want to devote so much time and emotional energy to someone who doesn’t think about you? Why would you subject yourself to such self-depreciating torture? You shouldn’t continue being in denial. You know the truth. Love is out there and you only need let go of your fantasies, and pursue it. You don’t have to keep yourself glued to this waiting game. You always have to explore other opportunities and allow yourself let love in from other sources.

Waiting for love is good. But going after love is what makes life worth living.

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