Tina Turner, also known as the “Queen of Rock and Roll,” is a phenomenal singer who became popular in the 1950s. She rose to fame mainly because of her powerful vocals. At the same time, she met the very talented Ike Turner. Their energies matched instantly, and the duo became inseparable within no time.
Over time, their relationship became more personal, and a few years after their initial meeting in 1962, the two got married in Mexico.
It was a love marriage between two people very much smitten with each other, and everybody thought that they make a perfect couple and nothing could separate them. However, just a few years after their marriage, Tina revealed in her book, “My Love Story” that getting married to Ike was one of the worst decisions of her life and that their relationship was nothing but toxic.
She wrote in her book that the marriage was abusive, both physically and verbally. She discussed Ike’s temperament and told her fans that he was highly intolerant and used to insult, sometimes even beat her over trivial issues.
In 1976, Tina finally decided to end her abusive marriage with Ike by telling fans that she had had enough and could not bear his abuse anymore. She officially divorced Ike in 1978.
After this terrible life experience, Tina chose to stay single and focus on her career until she met Erwin Bach. Tina met Erwin when his company assigned him to pick her up from the airport. She was set to perform in Germany when she met her now-husband, who at the time was a 30-year-old music executive for EMI.
The singer later recalled that it was an instant attraction. Although she was reluctant to start a new relationship, she gave it a chance anyway. They almost dated for 27 years. Yes, it took them that long to finally make up their minds to get married to each other, and eventually, they got married in Switzerland.
In 2016, Tina was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer, and doctors suggested she should either go for dialysis or a transplant.
“Only the transplant would give me a chance of living a near-normal life. But the chances of getting a kidney donor were remote.” she wrote in her book My Love Story.
That’s when Erwin, the love of her life, stepped in. She said Erwin told me that he didn’t want another woman or another life; he only wanted her. So, he will do anything to save her life. Therefore, to save her life, Erwin donated one of his kidneys. Thankfully, the transplant was successful.
Erwin has always supported Tina throughout her ups and downs. These include her son’s death, the debut of her Broadway musical, and her HBO documentary as a final goodbye to her American fans as she bowed out of the public eye. Tina Turner and Erwin Bach are living proof that faithful, loyal, and honest love does and can exist.
What are your thoughts on this selfless act of love? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Source: Tina Turner via Instagram
What a wonderful 10 star husband. Wishing them the very best life can offer.
My partner has recently passed and donated his kidneys liver heart valves and cornea ‘s
A totally unselfish act by both of these wonderful men
Wow wow truly true love does exist