Wait For The Guy Who Doesn’t Make You Wait Anymore

Even though life can seem like it’s being genuinely unfair on you, you have to develop the resolve to persist in your struggles. Life wasn’t made to be fair. You have to be patient. You have to know that someday, you will be rewarded for your resilience; but only if you choose to stick things out. You can’t afford to be complacent. You do not have the luxury of being impatient. You have to know that time comes for us all, and we must grab at every opportunity that presents itself to us.

You have to know that someday, the perfect man will come along. He’s the one that you’ve been waiting for since the start, and he’s the one who will make sure that you won’t ever have to spend your time waiting any longer. Your time for waiting will be done, and he will guarantee that. All you have to do in the meantime is to be patient.

This man is going to come along and tell his friends that he can’t hang out with them because he has a date with you. He won’t ever put you in the position of being ditched in favor of his friends. You mean so much more to him than that.

This guy is going to come along and won’t beat around the bush with you. He would willingly post happy photos of the two of you together on his social media pages without having to play the waiting game. He will be very blunt and forward with you about his intentions; he will never leave you second-guessing.

This boy is going to come along and be sensitive about your time. He would never leave you feeling anxious or nervous while waiting for a reply to a text message. This man is going to make the effort to contact you whenever he can. He won’t leave you waiting around for a phone call that is never going to come. He’s going to make sure that he is ready to talk to you whenever you feel like it.

This man is going to be the kind of guy who just shows up at your house unannounced with gifts and tokens in hand. He does this just because he wants to brighten up your day. He’s not going to be that guy who tells you that he’s coming right over, and yet, leaves you waiting in the wings.

This guy is going to come along and he’s going to hold the door for you at all times. He’s going to be the one to make you believe that chivalry is not a lost art and that it lives through him. He’s going to be the man who will treat you with the kind of respect that you’ve always demanded from other men; men who could never live up to that standard.

The perfect guy is going to come along and he’s going to put your needs ahead of his. You are going to be the priority this time around. He’s going to make you the center of attention. He is the man who knows that your personal happiness is what is going to make him happy too. This is the man who is never going to hesitate when it comes to doing something he hates for the sake of your happiness. You won’t have to wait for happiness any longer when he comes around.

Just be patient and wait for the man who is going to walk into your life and become fully invested in who you are as a person. This guy is going to obsess over learning every single aspect of your being in an effort to connect with you on various levels. You’re not going to have to drop hints and wait for him to pick up on your signals because he is proactive. He is genuinely interested in your personality and he always makes an effort to get to know you better. He wants to be into the things that you’re into because he sees this as an opportunity for you to bond and connect as people.

Someday, a man is going to walk into your life; a man who isn’t afraid to show you off to the world as if you were the rarest wonder of existence. This man is going to make you realize how much your life matters. This man has the power to boost your confidence a hundredfold because of the charm, respect, love, and affection that he’s going to throw your way. This man is the guy who is going to make you believe in the possibility of fairy tales coming true. This is the guy who is going to love you for who you really are, and who you can become.

Just be patient and wait for the guy who will make you understand why being patient is worth it. This is the man who is going to make you believe that waiting is a gift, and that love is always going to be worth the wait.

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