How do you make your girl miss you? when you are in a relationship with someone, you always want to be missed whenever you aren’t around. After all, one of the biggest indicators of love is that feeling of longingness whenever you aren’t together. If your partner misses you when you’re not there, it means that they crave your presence; it means that they’re desperate to be with you again. After all, it’s part of human nature to want to feel needed. And this is especially true in intimate romantic relationships.
Perhaps you are in a relationship where you feel like you and your partner are drifting apart a little bit. You might seem to think that she no longer misses you when you aren’t around anymore. And it’s frustrating to you – but most of all, it’s really depressing to you. You always want to be missed by your partner when you’re not together. But how exactly do you go about doing that without forcing her to do so?
If that situation applies to you – or if you just really want your partner to miss you in general, then this is the perfect article for you. This piece is going to highlight a few methods and strategies that you can employ to make your girl miss you. Of course, you’re going to have to really persevere on this. You’re going to have to show resilience, and you have to be willing to put in that effort. And even then, that might not be enough. There are so many things that go into making a relationship work after all. We can only control so much especially when it comes to human emotions. But at the end of the day, you always want to be doing whatever you can to put yourself in the best position to make your girl miss you. You want to be like some kind of drug or candy that she craves for whenever the two of you aren’t together. You want her to miss you because of how amazing you are whenever you are with her. You want her to realize just how much she loves you when she feels the gravity of your absence in her life.
It doesn’t matter if you’re only just starting out in your relationship or if you’ve been together for the longest time now. You should always be putting in the necessary effort in your relationship to make things work. You always want your girl to be craving for your presence whenever you’re not around. And the only way you are going to be able to do that is if you actually give her a reason to miss you. And that is precisely what this article is going to try to help you with. But also, keep in mind that you always want to be staying true to yourself. You always want to be staying genuine about who you really are.
1. Be mysterious. Give her a reason to keep on wanting to get to know you better. If you leave a little room for mystery, you are going to captivate her.
2. Stop talking so much about yourself. Be more open to talking about her as well. You want to be able to make her feel like you are genuinely interested in getting to know her better.
3. Don’t overdo it with the use of technology. Yes, you want to make yourself as available to your partner as possible. But you don’t really want to be doing it excessively. You risk oversaturating your partner with your presence – even in the virtual sense.
4. Make sure that the two of you get to spend time apart. You know what they say about the heart – absence makes it grow fonder. If you keep spending all of your time together, how are you going to get her to miss you?
5. Make sure she has fun whenever the two of you are together. Make sure she knows that it’s always a good idea for her to be spending time with you. She isn’t going to miss you if you just keep on giving her negative vibes whenever you’re around one another.
6. Stop trying to keep tabs on her. Let her live her life with minimal intervention. You don’t want to suffocate her. That’s the quickest way to drive a girl away.
7. Take things as slowly as possible. Love is a process. And it’s not something that you can just rush or pressure. You can’t just skip to the end. Take things slowly.
8. Be as reliable as you can be with her. Always make sure that you show her consistency and reliability. When you say that you’re going to be there for her, be there. Show up. Prove to her that you are a man of your word.