What Your Cuddling Style Says About Your Relationship

Did you know that it’s possible to find out so much about your relationship based purely on how you are positioned when you sleep with one another? Well, if you didn’t know, now you do. And it’s really important that you know these things so that you can get a better view of what your relationship really looks like.

You should be mature enough to know that your body language is going to say a lot about how you really feel about a person. And your body language, while you’re in a sleeping position, counts as well! The way that couples position themselves when they’re in bed can really say a lot about how much they support each other and rely on one another. It can also be very revealing of the level of comfortability, closeness, openness, and intimacy that two people can share with one another. That is all according to the expert advice of relationship specialist, Jane Greer, Ph.D.

Naturally, for some people, it really isn’t worth it to be serving as their loved one’s pillow in bed only to wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. Even if you are someone who happens to prioritize comfort in your life, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t love your partner and that you’re not crazy about them.

However, if comfort doesn’t matter as much to you as being able to actually hold on to your lover at night, then this is what your cuddling position has to say about the state of your relationship.

1. Spooning

If you and your partner happen to sleep in this particular cuddling position, then that is a very good sign for your relationship. It means that the two of you actually see eye to eye with one another. Based on Greer’s expertise, couples who are locked in a spooning position are “merging their bodies together as one, so you may see them dressing alike or enjoying the same things, there’s a certain similarity.”

2. Head on Chest

This is the kind of sleeping position that tells of territorial and protective behavior. Greer says that this is a position which “can speak to one person feeling very safe and secure in their partner’s arms. They feel their partner can help support them, both physically and emotionally.” This is the kind of position that establishes a sense of security and reliability between two people in love.

3. Back to Back

This is a position that says loads about the mutual respect that the two of you might have for one another. You are essentially still there for one another because of your mutual love. But you also understand that each of you will require occasional space and solitude – even in bed. But you don’t let that faze you. You know that love is still going to bring you back together. “You want to touch, but not to the point where you feel too enveloped,” says Greer.

4. Face-to-Face Embrace

Usually, this is the kind of cuddling that a lot of couples in the honeymoon stage will have when they are sleeping together. It’s when two people are locked in a very tight embrace with their faces in front of one another. Greer says that this is an indication that two people are very much into each other. This is also indicative of a couple that shares practically everything with one another.

Greer says that this is a pose that is common to couples who feel like they really have nothing to hide from one another. There is full openness in that kind of relationship.

5. Opposite Sides of the Bed

If you and your partner have chosen to take opposite sides of the bed, then that physical distance could signify a real emotional distance between the two of you as well. Be very wary if you have your partner taking as much space between the two of you as possible. This might mean that they are uncomfortable with any form of physical attention and touching.

However, if this is something that has normalized itself in your relationship, then it might not really be a big deal. It might just mean that you are both comfortable with giving each other space because you are so confident with the bond you have in your relationship.

6. Holding Hands

Greer says that this is a sleeping position that couples have whenever they make concerted efforts to still stay connected to one another. There is also a sense of security there because you are giving your partner something to hold on to even if you drift off into dreamland together.

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