Why are Libras considered as the best long term partners

Libra is one of those signs that crave Beauty. From September 23rd to October 27th, it is the time period in which Libras are born. Libras are considered as the diplomats in our lives as well as the peacemakers. Here, diplomats don’t mean that they will cause harm but in fact, they act as the diplomats for the bigger good. One can easily recognize Libra by the sparkling smiles that they have as well as by the friendly gleam that they carry. They have this special element of charm which can light up any room.

They carry this warm energy and inviting nature which is quite irresistible. Anyone who gets to meet such a person would remember them for a very long time. Libras are mainly the lovers of Romantics as well as literature. It is quite hard to have a boring conversation with a Libra. Even at the most boring parties, you will find someone who is entertaining the others in a very different manner and that person would definitely be a Libra.

There are many reasons due to which Libras can be the most amazing long-term partners and those reasons include:

1. Charismatic personality

Unlike many other charismatic people, Libras have no problem by not being the centre of attention. They have this natural charisma which makes them stand out and even if they don’t stand out, they don’t have any problem with it which makes them all the more desirable.

They have an easy-going personality due to which they are liked by many people. Libras know that they have this quality which is why they are sometimes very persuasive. One has to be careful because their charisma can turn into manipulation. Because of this quality, Libras also make very good salespeople.

2. A very good eye for aesthetics

Libras are naturally very polished people. They are known to dress well and stay well. There’s a fair possibility that a Libra will have a unique sense of style as compared to all the other people around them but for some reason, that uniqueness looks good on them. Libras have a sharp knowledge of things especially clothing. Other than that they also know what things are currently in fashion and what are the things which are out of fashion.

They recognize the fact that beauty comes in different shapes and sizes which is why they have an eye that appreciates all types of beauty. There is a fair possibility that a Libra would find something beautiful in something which is hideous for others and find something hideous which may appear beautiful to others. This is yet again another quality that makes them very unique and likeable.

3. Lovable and like to be loved

If anyone is in a relationship with a Libra, they will understand the charm of being in a relationship with such a person. Libras like to praise their partners, they cherish every single moment spent with their loved one. Libras are the kind who will brag about you to family members and friends. They would love you and love you everywhere, irrespective of where you both are and who is around you.

They dislike being single because it makes them feel like they’re alone in the world. Libras are very romantic which is why they absolutely love the idea of loving someone. It is quite rare because in the current world people have started to become very individualized. Which is why it is more or less like a bonus if you find someone who likes to love you and be loved.

4. Social and flirtatious

Libras are very social. They always find time for their friends which is why one may always see a lot of people surrounding a Libra. They are deeply involved in different types of relationships and partnerships. Libras are the kind who bring people out of their shy side and make them social.

They help many people make friends and stand out in the crowd because they themselves know how to do all these things. Libras are also very flirtatious, they are naturally born with the skill of being flirtatious with people. It is important to know that their flirtatiousness is the harmless kind. They do it just for the sake of fun and not to hurt someone’s emotions.

Jealous type people should not go for a Libras because the type of fun that Libras have usually include flirting. Many of us do not like it when our partner has flirtatious nature. For some people, it’s as natural as conversing which is why making them change this trait can be a little harsh.

5. Fair and honest

Libras are very fair and honest which is yet another reason why they are very good long-term partners. Their honesty can be considered by this fact that they like to hear both sides of the story. They never come to a judgement by listening to just one side. One can also judge their fair judgement and honest nature by the fact that there are many famous lawyers who are Libras. They are the ones who are known for their Fair practices. They’re also the kind who are very sympathetic towards people.

If there are other traits in your mind which may make Libras the most suitable partners in your opinion then feel free to share them with us. We will be delighted to get your feedback.

Talk to me

Have you been with a Libra? Does this article speak the truth to you? Let me know in the comments below!

  1. My Libra won’t brag about me to his friends and family if they don’t like something because he likes to keep the peace, like you said. He’s a people pleaser so if they said it he’ll go with it. Worst. Quality. Ever.

      1. My libra is not romantic he must be broken, he lies so much too but when things are good they are great. We have fun even though he’s not romantic

        1. My libra boyfriend is the same way. He lies so much 😢 And he isn’t romantic. We do have lots of fun together. But my relationship with him is a challenge.

          1. My Libra is wishy washy! Love bombs then he becomes distant. Not very romantic, but charming and flirty, definitely a yes. Tends to lie a lot , forgets what he tells me. Then the truth comes out later. He’s a handful.

    1. I’m a Libra women but believe me I used to be a people pleaser and one day after I turned 40 I said to he’ll with this pleasing stuff because that time I stopped most fake people went away….. Meaning not true anyhow… Men are different my dad was a good helpful Libra but when he had enough he’d let you know but very kind to a weakness loved flattering ladies .

    1. Everything fits me to a tee….except for flirting. I am definitely not a big flirt….unless it is with my significant other.

    2. Been With My Libra 41 years! Married 39 April 27th, Nobody Better as A Friend, Husband, or Dad, Blessed Everyday!

    1. I am a libra, and I would agree with everything you say, and I like beautiful things, or a creative side to things, always have ideas ,artistic too.

  2. My partner and I are both libras and its its something to behold! Just made a year today and our son juat made 4mnths lol he was conceived . This day last year ???whoops beat thing ever! Everything said was so true!

      1. Same question… we are both libras… engaged.. going on 1 yr… I would be his 4th marriage and he would be my 2nd…. Could it still work for us … could be be each other’s forever?

    1. My husband and I are going on 25 years of marriage, and we are both libras. We both have these traits however not the same ones. I have a few that he doesn’t predominantly have and vice versa. I never thought we would bond and get along as well as we do, with both of us being libras. Love is stronger now than ever imagined.

  3. I have been with a libra for 8 years an have a 7 year old with him. I have stayed for my son an my 2 step kids that he has full custody of. He isnt honest or loyal. He cant tell the truth if it bit him in the ass. His ex wife is also a libra an acts the some way. That how we got custody for their kids. I’m a virgo an believe in loyalty and respect. I see the good in him but his ways over shadow the good. ☹

    1. You virgos are liars and backstabbers you tell half truths and talk behind peoples backs to make yourselfs look good you hate it if your not the center of attention always and your hypocritical & control freaks !!!!

    1. I’m a Libra and I agree with most of the article, except for the fashion thing. I don’t give a damn about current fashion trends. I tend to wear what’s both comfortable and instead of what fashion dictates

  4. Libras love to love, best quality ever. Everything u pointed out was true. We hate to be alone, but most libras find themselves single, caus they know what they want and deserve, and stands for nothing less.
    Thx for this, and keep up the good work

    1. I’m a Libra and I totally agree. I hate being alone.
      Most of the Libra traits are spot on for me too.

  5. I have had two failed marriages and have now been in a relationship with a Libra several years younger than myself and I can’t find words to explain… For 7 years he has been the most amazing wonderful person I have ever been involved with in my life… I am forever in love with this man!!! And he is everything you said and so much more

  6. My Libra is sooo loving and is also stimulates your mind with serious conversations and I am a Sagittarius woman. We have known each other since we were kids but just started dating. He told me he has loved me since then!

  7. The reply-function is not working here.
    Thats it.
    I am a libra and read some frustration in some of these comments.
    I say, if you feel something is amiss or wrong in a relationship, adress it.

  8. I’m a Libra , everything you said it’s just me and how I wish I can change from being a Libra to something that will be opposite cause people take advantage of me being a Libra

  9. I agree with alot of what has been said,But I also think that some Libras fail to be completely honest,truthful with their partner, and that’s a
    huge disappointment…

  10. Im in relationship with a libra. Everything they say about a libra my fiancee is the exact same way. He’s a great partner to have. I’m truly bless to have him in my life

  11. I am a Libra and this describes me down to a tee. Apart from the flirtatious trait- only when I’m on the liqueur does that side come out!

  12. I was dating a Libra for 4mnths, yes all this defines him but to me as a cancer woman i didn’t know what to do to make our relationship stronger until now he has pulled off….trying to fight for him now

  13. My daughter is a libra, I have always found her to be hilarious and insanely friendly, no fears in social environments. That’s where she thrives and puts all her attention and energy. When it comes to honesty….not so much. It’s constant and blatant. As a Scorpio, my anger is put to the test daily.

  14. I am a Libra, smack in the middle and no cusps, which is starting to make me think that my parents telling me I was born on Sept 29th is a giant practical joke! I am definitely a great lover of beauty (particularly beautiful but manly looking men), I am also artistic, flirty and I avoid conflict as I can always see both sides and fighting is so very ugly. The rest of those traits don’t fit at all!! I am shy to a fault, not one who cares for socializing, pointless small talk or most people in general, and I am anything but honest! I lie to spare the feeling of others, I lie to make myself look better or smarter to others, I lie to keep myself out of trouble when my flirty shenanigans go a step or 3 too far and sometimes I lie just because it’s fun to see if I can get away with it. While I can be charming, I am the libra that will use this to manipulate to get my way. And in no way shape or form do libras make good long term partners! Libra do love to fall in love, and when that new feeling starts to wear off, we get bored and start to look for some of that “harmless” flirting that always ends up with the libra cheating on their current partner just to feel that new rush again (no sex usually, just steamy kisses and some heavy petting…sex usually means the death kiss for romance!) It doesn’t mean we don’t really love our current flames, it just means that without that spark we get from a tiny bit of cheating to jump-start us, we will get super unhappy and resentful in our current relationships. Ok, I take it back, maybe I am more honest than I gave myself credit for, lol.

  15. I disagree, the Libra I knew was a selfish human. Narcissistic and lied, cheated and put his needs above everyone. I didn’t see it until the end tried hard to make the relationship work but should have paid attention. To all of the red flags, everyone else saw them.

  16. Describes me down to a tee. Just split from my gf of almost 2 years as as a Gemini she was toxic. I didn’t see the bad in her until one day she told me to “snap out of it” as I was going through a slight wobble in my mental health on the day of my dads 10 month passing! I later found out she had been contacting a long standing female friend of mine behind my back warning her not to contact me, this happened last year while I was in hospital having a major cancer operation. Beware of Gemini partners and stick with us librans!

  17. I’m a September 30th Libra and Loyalty is the core essence of any truly respected relationship or of someone I may hold deep in my heart.

  18. My Libra is very loving and brags on me. I love to be around him, but he has a need to be the center of attention, he would do anything for anyone, but he has a way of thinking, what she don’t know won’t hurt her. He doesn’t see the harm in having secrets, but as an Aquarius I have a sixth sense about things and find out anyway. I’m trying now to see if it’s worth it to keep him. I love him so much. Everything you said is pretty accurate, but my man is defensive about anything I bring to his attention, even small memories we see different. Seems like he just needs to be right about everything.

  19. I’m a Libra, and everything that was said on here are very accurate. I don’t like lying though, I’d lie to hide my flirtiness because I don’t want to hurt my husband’s feelings. I’m married to an Aquarius man, and I get bored with him because Aquarius people likes to be in their own little world. We’ve been married for 10 years though, and I do not see myself without him in my life.

  20. OK! I gotta say; You pointed out all of the good things about the Libra Man (But you didn’t mention) Libra Men are also: Narcissist, Selfish, and expect you to agree with everything they do or say. They won’t listen to reason, and will stop you in your tracks, when you start talking about what’s important. (Trust me!) A Libra man will insist that you want to argue. He’s not interested on your thoughts and fellings. If a woman is with a Libra Man?. You can rest assure? That she will let him do or say whatever he pleases. It’s for the best.

  21. My libra must be broken.. he gives the silent treatment, has tantrums.. he is affectionate I wouldn’t say romantic at all , he is charming & funny..

  22. So, there’s this Libra lady, yes, lady! This article describes her to a tee!! So much admiration for her! Like, seriously 😳 As a taurus, this is what I have been longing for, for decades, I have been completely ruined for anybody else getting into my head and my heart, EVER! Thank God for this lady! The way she treats everyone around her is just absolutely astonishing! What a beautiful human being!!

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