Why Depression Means A Whole Lot More Than Just Being Sad

Depression can infect even the people with the brightest smiles and loudest laughs. Depression has the uncanny ability to wreak its havoc on the beautiful, the rich, the successful, and the blessed too. No one is immune to this frightening and dangerous emotional disease. Depression has managed to destroy the lives of so many innocent people who neither asked nor wanted to be caught in a perpetual state of sadness. Depression doesn’t only manifest itself in that moody friend whom you know; the one that you and your other friends never like to hang out with. Sometimes, depression can manifest itself in one of your friends; the ones you least suspect of being severely depressed. Remember that depression is a state of total emotional darkness.

It would be socially irresponsible and insensitive to assume that depression only lives in the people who look like they are constantly sad. People have to understand that depression doesn’t only manage to weasel its way into people who appear to be living under a black cloud. Depression can infect even the people with the brightest smiles and loudest laughs. Depression has the uncanny ability to wreak its havoc on the beautiful, the rich, the successful, and the blessed too. No one is immune to this frightening and dangerous emotional disease. Depression has managed to destroy the lives of so many innocent people who neither asked nor wanted to be caught in a perpetual state of sadness.

Depression doesn’t only manifest itself in that moody friend whom you know; the one that you and your other friends never like to hang out with. Sometimes, depression can manifest itself in one of your friends; the ones you least suspect of being severely depressed. Remember that depression is a state of total emotional darkness. That is why some of the brightest and most animated people in our lives could be the biggest suspects of people who carry heavy depression. They try to maintain their brightness in public because once they go home, it’s all just a state of scary darkness that consumes them on a nightly basis.

A depressed person isn’t the one who is always going to you for help with their problems. Depression is represented best by the people who feel like they can take on life on their own. They know the destruction that depression can bring and so they choose not to infect others with this horrible emotional sickness. They want to be the sole bearers of the pains of depression because they know that not everyone can take it. They yearn for the moment to win their war on depression, but it makes them all the more lonely to know that they fight this battle alone. No man is an island, and we are all in need of constant community support with whatever we want to do in life. Depression shouldn’t have to be any different. Depression should never be left to deal with on your own.– Continue reading on the next page

Depression is being insecure because you know that there’s a stigma that’s attached to being caught in a constant state of mental and emotional stability. You hear the whispers, and you don’t want them to be audible in any way. You don’t want to have your loved ones ashamed of you because of your illness. You don’t want anyone to look at you in a different light because you have to deal with something you never asked for in the first place. Dealing with depression in itself is an emotionally draining ordeal. However, the task of hiding it from other people while still constantly maintaining a social presence is what puts the emotionally exhausting experience over the top. People should never feel like they need to hide their illnesses from others. People shouldn’t have to be afraid of what other people think about their illnesses.

Depression isn’t exclusively a continuous state of emotional darkness. The light can shine itself through every once in a while, but those instances are too few and far between.В  For a lot of people, depression can strike at any random points in the day. However, depression is strongest when its prey is not distracted. Depression likes to rear its ugly head at moments when one’s mind is the most relaxed and vulnerable. A lot of times, depression strikes when people are alone at night; and then their nights are no longer for sleeping. These nights are for inaudible sobbing, uncontrollable weeping, and muffled screaming.

Depression is difficult because the depressed feel and understand the need to always be surrounded by other people. They know that being in a safe and welcome space in a community is what they need to pull through. However, their natural selfless demeanor will always compel them to push other people away. They retreat back into their shells of solitude whenever depression hits because they are afraid of what it can do to other people in the process. The worst part about this is that people never notice depression because they never know what to look for. In the end, the story is written about the depressed who never asked for help, and the strong who never offered their assistance.

Do you ever get those rare feelings like a cloud is just constantly hovering over you? Depression is like that but the cloud just never seems to go away. The sun is not a constant presence in the life of a depressed person and light rarely ever gets a chance to find a way into this person’s soul. That’s why it is absolutely imperative that we all try our best to be each other’s light because we never know when another person is just caught under a cloud.

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