This Is Why She Doesn’t Get Attached To Someone Anymore

She is damaged to the point that has completely tainted her view on attachment as a whole.

Attachment is bad. That’s what she has come to realize. And this is why.

She doesn’t allow herself to get attached anymore because she knows that attachment eventually just leads to terrible occurrences and hurt feelings. She knows that attachment is what forces her to be needy and clingy – towards people and things that she has no right to own or manipulate. She knows that it’s attachment that leads to her being controlling and abusive towards others.

She knows that it’s attachment that just fuels her selfishness – that teaches her to be ruthless in the pursuit of the things that she wants regardless of how others might feel. She knows that it’s attachment that leads to her dreaming up scenarios for herself that aren’t just meant to happen.

She knows that it’s attachment that makes her go after people who aren’t meant for her. She knows that it’s attachment that compromises her logic and her reason; it’s what dulls her senses. She knows that attachment only feeds into her fears and insecurities; and it doesn’t make her a better person overall.

She doesn’t allow herself to get attached anymore because she now knows that not all things in life are meant to be; not all things in life are meant to stay forever. She has finally grown to understand that just because someone walks into her life doesn’t mean that she gets to keep that person for all of eternity.

She has grown to learn that sometimes life takes away things just as easily as it gives; and attachment can make the process of letting go just seem so impossible. She understands that life is supposed to be dynamic; how nothing is ever set in stone.

She knows that people can walk into her life; but she also knows that they leave. And she has learned that attachment just makes the loss of people so difficult to deal with. She knows that attachment is only going to hold her back; to keep her from being where she needs to be.

She knows that attachment is going to eat away at her insides until she has lost full control of who she is. She knows that the more that she allows herself to get attached, then the more fearful she becomes of loss. She doesn’t allow herself to get attached anymore because attachment has taught her to be more selfish than generous – and she doesn’t want to be that kind of person at all.

She doesn’t allow herself to get attached anymore because she knows that there is a huge possibility that the people who walk into her life are people who are eventually going to leave her as well. She doesn’t allow herself to get attached because she learned the hard way that people don’t always follow up on their promises and commitments.

She has learned that people aren’t always going to be sincere with what they say. She has learned that even though people might say that they’re coming back, and even though they might really believe it themselves, it’s still a possibility that they never will. And she knows that attachment is only going to make it much more difficult for her to prepare for the loss that is about to come.

Love isn’t a permanent thing. It comes and goes. And that’s why attachment can be dangerous in love. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that love and attachment are the same thing. They aren’t. They never have and they never will be. To love someone is pure and sincere.

To become attached to someone is toxic and selfish. And that’s why she doesn’t want to get attached anymore; she wants to love, but she doesn’t want to delude herself into thinking that all love is always going to be perfect. She knows that love can fail – and sometimes, it’s attachment that leads to a love failing. Losing a love can be difficult. But detaching yourself from the idea of something that you’ve completely bought into can be incredibly unbearable.

She doesn’t allow herself to get attached anymore because she gets broken every time someone leaves her. And she is so tired of just being the one who has to put herself back together again every time she gets her heart broken. She is damaged.

She is damaged to the point that has completely tainted her view on attachment as a whole. She doesn’t want to get attached anymore because she has seen the destruction that it has brought into her life. She doesn’t allow herself to get attached anymore because she knows that that isn’t the right way to go about love anyway.

She doesn’t allow herself to get attached because she doesn’t want to have to let go of something that she is desperately trying to hold on to.

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