Actually, I have to start replying to people in general whether on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. The obligation of a prompt reply always manages to escape me and for that, I am sorry.
To begin with, people must understand that it is never in my intention to upset others by not replying. I’m not trying to be a douchebag whenever I don’t reply.
Secondly, I’m really not a douche-bag at all. I’m a generally nice guy, a gentleman with a very kindhearted demeanor. I never like to think ill of people, and I always try to see others (along with myself) in the best light possible. There perfectly plausible explanations as to why I can’t reply to you right away.
Lastly, there are others who are like me; those who will take forever to reply and they’re probably doing it for the same reasons as me. Just be more patient and understanding of their personality types. We are not bad people. We have our reasons and here they are:
1. Severe Procrastination
Whenever someone doesn’t reply to you, it would be perfectly understandable that you would think that that person is a jerk who doesn’t care about you. That’s not always the case. That person just might be a serial procrastinator. A lot of times, when I receive a text message while I am currently engaged in another activity, I take a mental note in my mind to reply later on.
It’s like when we used to be given homework back in high school and we always put off getting it done until the night before it’s due. It’s the same way with replying to text messages for me.
But in this case, there is no deadline to remind me to actually get started on it. So the next time it takes me forever to reply, understand that it isn’t because I don’t care about you. It’s just that I’m a lazy procrastinator who tends to forget things.
2. Perfectionist Attitude
It has always been like this for me ever since I was a little kid. I never like to settle for mediocrity or substandard works. I always like to take my time with whatever I do so as to ensure the integrity and quality of my actions. It carries on over to every single thing I do in my career and in my personal life.
That’s why I don’t necessarily reply right away because I always like to be careful about what I say. There are many factors that I need to consider in my messages like phrasing, emoji placement, length, vocabulary, and so much more. What other people see is just a simple-worded reply but what I see is a carefully written message from the heart. It’s always quality over speed for me regardless of what I’m doing.
3. Adult Business
We’re all adults now and we all have our own distractions and tasks that we need to attend to. Not to say that replying to you isn’t important, it’s just that there are other pressing issues that need to be given attention to at the moment. Things are no longer like they were in high school wherein we managed to find the time to do just about whatever we wanted and still have a few extra hours for napping. That’s no longer the case.
We are always pressed for time these days and in the greater context of things, it should be okay for me to not reply to a How are you? text message from you every now and then. At least give me the time to settle the affairs in my own life.
4. Lazy Boy
After all is said and done, sometimes, it can all just come down to plain laziness. I’m just too lazy to reply sometimes. Don’t take it personally. It’s not because you’re a boring person who isn’t worth replying to. It’s just I have natural tendencies to kick back, be lazy, and do nothing. I am naturally drawn to just ignoring any social responsibilities because it’s part of who I am. I’m not always in the mood to interact or hang out with other people, and sometimes, even virtual interaction is part of the deal.
I’m always attracted to the idea of just putting my feet up on a table and just thinking about nothing. Texting can be a very strenuous mental and emotional activity. For a lot of people it’s practically torture. The idea of not replying seems so much more appealing. Your mind is left to rest and just relax in a state of inactivity. That’s a rare commodity these days.
5. Personal Interaction Is So Much More Appealing
Talk to me in real life. Let’s escape from the virtual world. Human interaction can be so much more intimate and more real. I’m a much better person to converse with in person than through a mobile phone. Let’s set up a date and you won’t have to worry about waiting for a reply from me.
Talk to me
Guys, can you relate to this? Let me know in the comments below!