Woman, 22, Says She Gets Mistaken for Her 57-Year-Old Boyfriend’s Daughter ‘All the Time’

Brightnye Quayle, 22, who has been dating a man almost twice her age, says people often troll her and say, she had ‘daddy issues.’

Quayle, 22, met James, 57, at a casino on a night out almost two years ago, and they have been dating ever since.

“Brightnye, who was born in Christchurch, New Zealand, but now lives with James in Queensland, decided to purchase nine sandwiches at the bar on that particular evening, which piqued her now-older boyfriend’s interest,” wrote Daily Mail.

The young model and diving instructor says people often confuse her for James’s daughter and criticize her for being with him for his money.

After getting into a relationship, the pair made a TikTok account where they share their pictures and sweet moments from their routine in short video clips. However, many people who watch their videos criticize the couple for being together because of their huge age gap.

“We actually met totally organically at the casino. I was the girl who bought nine sandwiches because it seemed like the right thing to do at the time,” said Brightnye.

“He came up behind me and said that I should come talk to him, so I did.”

“I thought anyone who is buying nine sandwiches was either starving to death or needed to be spoken to,” added James.

Before meeting Quayle, James had been married for almost thirty years and has four daughters – all of whom share different opinions on their father’s new love interest.

“Two of them are okay, one is sitting on the fence, and the other one would like to murder you with a pitchfork, which isn’t very nice. But we don’t mind, we’re in love,” he said.

According to the couple, many of their social media followers question Qualye about her loyalty and claim that she is only with James for money.

“I get mistaken for his daughter a lot,” said Quayle.

“The comments are interesting. A lot of them are about money, it’s ridiculous. I was married to my wife for 30 years, bought her a Maserati, paid for everything… what is the difference?” James added.

“Every relationship, well certainly traditional relationships where the man looks after the woman, of course you’re going to spend money, it’s not an issue. And not relevant.”

“And we’re off to get me a Porche,” Brightnye joked.

The New Zealand native initially thought it was a bit odd to date James as he is 35 years older than her, but eventually, love conquered.

“The age difference is 35 years, and it did bother us both initially because we thought it was a bit odd,” Brightnye said.

“We have a very special and genuine connection and now don’t even really see the age difference, it’s not a factor in our relationship anymore. Dating younger men is impossible in this day and age as they don’t know how to behave.”

“We both thought it was ridiculous for the first 12 months but we both genuinely have a connection and something special and truly love each other,” she concluded. “Nobody can take that away from us. Love is love,” she said.

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Source: Daily Mail

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