Woman, 28, Who Quit Her Job to Become a Stay-at-Home Girlfriend, Asks People not to Judge Her

A woman has revealed that she quit her job as a school teacher and moved hundreds of miles to be with her property mogul boyfriend.

Twenty-eight years old Summer Hawkins recently revealed that she quit work to become a stay-at-home girlfriend for her boyfriend, Biggs-Marvin Chris, 27, who also appeared on the 6th season of Love Island.

Speaking to The Mirror, Hawkins, 28, said that before meeting Biggs, she used to work as a primary school teacher in London.

“My life wasn’t always like this. I was stressed and only just getting by due to my expensive rent.”

“I met Biggs on social media last year and arranged to meet at a nightclub. He arrived after me and later confessed he’d got a friend to check me out, so he knew whether I was worth the effort of turning up for!” she said.

Hawkins added that her rich partner Chris asked her to move in with him in his Glasgow house only five months later.

“We spent all night together, followed by the whole weekend, and around five months into our relationship, he asked me to move to Glasgow,” she told The Mirror.

“He said, “I’ll take care of you.” I think every woman would be delighted by that offer. There aren’t any firm expectations from either of us. If one day I haven’t done the laundry, he won’t mention it – and he never makes a big deal about the fact he pays for everything,” she added.

The now stay-at-home girlfriend said that she is living a stress-free life with Biggs, where she does everything for him, from cooking and cleaning to walking their dog, and is very happy and satisfied with her new life.

“Every morning without fail, I get up before my boyfriend Biggs and turn the shower on so it’s nice and hot for him when he gets in,” said Summer. “Then I make him a hot chocolate, and he tells me what he wants for breakfast. Whatever he wants, he gets, whether that’s chicken and rice or an egg sandwich.”

“After giving him a kiss goodbye as he heads off to work, I begin my cleaning routine. I start in the lounge, then do the kitchen, the bedrooms, and finally the bathroom.”

“Despite cleaning every day, I never feel like I really get on top of it. Sometimes, Biggs pops back for lunch, ringing ahead first to put his request in. It’s usually pizza.” She said.

Hawkins said she spends her afternoons doing errands like walking their dog – Prince, shopping, visiting the salon to get her beauty treatments done, and going to the gym.

“I have my eyelashes done every two weeks, my nails every three weeks, and the odd sunbed.”

“When Biggs gets home, we spend quality time together, going out for a film and dinner, or just chilling on the sofa with snacks. Biggs shows me how much he appreciates me by occasionally washing up his own plate after breakfast.”

Summer told The Mirror that her rich boyfriend is very thankful for what she does for him and regularly brings her flowers, chocolates, and teddy bears.

“He is very thankful to me for making his house a home,” she explained. “Also, he’ll spoil me with designer bags and shoes on special occasions.”

“We’re a team. I don’t have a single stress in my life, so when Biggs is stressed, I can give my complete attention to him. It can be lonely as he works up to 10 hours a day and at weekends sometimes. I wouldn’t complain to Biggs because he’d tell me to get a job, and that’s not what I want. I could go back to teaching, but I don’t have the desire,” she concluded.

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Sources: The Mirror

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